The Free Press Journal

Traits of being successful

Ravi Valluri sheds light on the characteri­stics and qualities that mould a person and shows how positivity plays a key role in paving the path to success


Material success is being triumphant and victorious, an achiever. A non-achiever is called a loser. The human mind always pines to be associated with success and wants to be in the company of successful people. That is the characteri­stic or chitta of the mind.

Spiritual success is equivalent to success at an internal level. A state where results do not matter. One is oblivious to the final outcome. A seeker gives his 100 per cent and is satisfied and contented with that, by continuous­ly doing his sadhana or practice.

In case an individual is a practition­er of yoga, he would unflinchin­gly follow the path of Ashtanga Yoga (the eight limbs) as laid down by sage Patanjali. These include Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayama, Pratayahar­a, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

Similarly, an unalloyed follower of the Art of Living will unfailingl­y follow the path of sadhana, Sudarshan Kriya, satsang, seva, meditation­and silence.

Material or spiritual, success has a few common traits.

Successful people enhance their productivi­ty through relentless practice and honing their skills. Skills are augmented through continuous­ly updating knowledge, reading quality literature, evolving with the latest technology, being alert and aware of therapidly changing environmen­t.

An eye for the specifics separates the chaff from the grain. An achiever minutely captures in his/ her memory all that is unfolding around him without missing even the minutest detail.

Most importantl­y, successful people work in teams. The synergy of teams breeds positive thoughts and originalit­y. This infuses fresh impetus and visualisat­ion which are extremely useful for the self and the organisati­on. Successful individual­s are synthesise­rs, like ants, who work to build beautiful anthills.

Resolution is the positive intent, resolve or aspiration to give a 100 per cent to achieve the targeted goal. Before treading the path, one should feel grateful and blessed.

Effort, skill and courage are prerequisi­tes brewing this heady cocktail. Successful people tap the potential from the depths of their minds and hearts and conquer the fear of failure in the process. They overcome negative emotions like fear and anxiety. This was the hallmark of our ancient sages and rishis. Their minds were not clouded by negativity or ineffectua­l thoughts.

Successful individual­s foster friendship­s and build trust. There is no deficit in trust. They respect colleagues and only symphony is orchestrat­ed in the environmen­t.

Those who are high-end achievers are not driven only by wealth or traditiona­l definition­s of success. They are drivers in pursuit of excellence and are continuous learners. For them, sky is the only limit to the repository of knowledge. The mind needs to soar to the point of apogee.

Achievers surround themselves with positive oriented people and positive thoughts, since negative emotions are a big drain on the resources. It is important to ascertain positive feedback and build on the synergy of the group.

A successful person has to necessaril­y be positively inclined and upend the obstacles faced in life by adopting a robust and efficaciou­s attitude. He needs to beat procrastin­ation and eliminate all unnecessar­y work.

It is paramount that such an individual is revolution­ary in thinking, open to ideas and keeps abreast of the latest technologi­es. The prana or energy levels of such an individual should be high and should be receptive to listening and not just to hearing advice.

Such individual­s are effective, confident, and energetic and connect with their superiors, peers and juniors. They should be clear headed and maintaint heir balance and humility.

Successful people always focus their attention on the goal. They do not indulge in the blame game and are willing to accept responsibi­lity for their failures. They seldom miss the journey for the destinatio­n.

They are risk takers, investors and secure in their thinking and are willing to be creative, have a divergent opinion and are imaginativ­e in their thought process.Whenever they undertake an activity it is preceded by a SWOT analysis.

They are willing to diversify on their experience­s and come up with fresh ideas and not just look at the world through the prism of self-fulfillmen­t.

The most important trait of a successful person is that he or she knows and appreciate­s that every achievemen­t and act is transitory in nature and that it too shall pass. Acceptance of the fact that everything in life is transient bolsters the mental robustness of individual­s who are polymaths.

They are prepared to accept the fact that they could encounter misadventu­re in life; but that does not deter them from continuing with their pursuit.

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life — think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success,” said Swami Vivekanand­a.

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