The Free Press Journal

India close to double-digit growth this year, 8.5% next year, says FM


BOSTON: India is looking at near close to double-digit growth this year and the country will be one of the fastest-growing economies, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said.

The minister also emphasised that she expects the economic growth next year to be in the range of 7.5-8.5%, which will be sustained for the next decade.

"As regards the growth of India, we are looking at near close to double-digit growth this year and this would be the highest in the world. And for the next year, on the basis of this year, (the) growth would definitely be somewhere in the range of eight(%)," She said.

She noted that while the Ministry of Finance has not done any assessment as yet about the growth number, but the World Bank, IMF and rating agencies have all come nearer to this kind of growth number for India.

"So, the next year would also be somewhere in the range of eight to nine (per cent), 7.5 to 8.5 (per cent) would be the growth. And I expect that to be sustained for the next decade because of the rate at which expansion in core industries is happening, the rate at which services are growing, I don't see a reason for India to be any way lesser than" in the next coming decades, she said.

Sitharaman, when asked about the state of the global economy, said: "I don't think you can have one picture for the entire globe. The emerging market economies are likely to recover speedily and are likely to have a growth trajectory, which will probably be even the title of engine for growth. They are the ones who are going to be pulling forward the global economy".

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