The Free Press Journal



OUR BUREAU / NEW DELHI: The Congress on Saturday flayed the Modi government for its Mantra that “electoral victory is a licence to loot”, as it has made “Mehangai” (price rise) as an event since after the recent winning of the assembly elections in five states, burdening India with the New Year gift of Rs1,25,407.20 crore.

The cruel, cumbersome and back-breaking price rise imposed with effect from April 1 has shattered the budget of every household, said its general secretary and chief spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala. He told a Press conference in Delhi that “MEHANGAI” is the biggest challenge to sustenance of every individual, “MEHANGAI” is attacking the lives and livelihood of every household and a curse in the life of every citizen, but “MEHANGAI” is a “daily event” being celebrated to mock the people by BJP and Modi Govt.

The chief spokesman listed 13 issues where the people have been slapped with hikes in prices. He said: “There is not a single sphere of a citizen’s life, where prices have not increased and Modi Govt remains responsibl­e for this theft!” Asserting the gory story of Modi government is “loot, rob and fleece”, Surjewala said 62 crore farmers have been taxed with additional burden of Rs3,600 crore by increasing the price of the 50-kg bag by Rs150 a bag, while the government’s “daily good morning gift” is hike in prices of petrol and diesel, 10th increase in the last 12 days raising their prices across India by Rs7.20 per litre.

Punjab’s AAP govt Akhilesh discovers bachha party: Vij ‘maths of inflation’ in BJP rule

CHANDIGARH: Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij on Saturday dubbed Punjab’s AAP govt a “bachha party”, lacking “complete knowledge of issues”. Vij’s remark came a day after Punjab assembly passed a resolution seeking transfer of Chandigarh to the state. Vij also termed Punjab’s Mann government as being at the “infancy stage” whose “milk teeth have not broken yet”.

LUCKNOW: If petrol price keeps rising by 80 paise a day, it would be costing Rs275 a litre by November or December assembly polls in Gujarat and Himachal, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav said. Yadav made the remark, terming his calculatio­n of probable future prices of petrol as “the mathematic­s of inflation under the BJP rule”.

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