The Free Press Journal

We can use the following ways individual­ly or in a combinatio­n for balancing chakras


1. Chanting Mantras: Each chakra has a sound/mantra assigned to it (AH, AUM, HAM, YAM, RAM, VAM and LAM) and chanting or singing the mantra is a powerful method as it activates the therapeuti­c benefits of music and sound as well.

2. Colours: Every chakra has a colour — these are the colours of the VIBGYOR. One can use the colour of the chakra in clothes and accessorie­s in order to keep the chakras aligned. Focus on the chakra that needs attention or you can also assign one color for each day of the week for ease in following.

3. Crystals: Crystal healing is a powerful method for aligning chakras. There are individual crystals for every chakra (such as amethyst for third eye and crown chakras) that can be used during meditation or can even be placed on the body at the position of the chakras while lying down to activate them.

4. Foods: Based on the colours and elements, there are specific foods for every chakra. For example, apples and almonds for root chakra. Food is a great source of energy and including specific chakra foods in the diet, assists in aligning the chakras at the cellular level as well.

5. Guided meditation: There are many guided meditation­s for each of the chakras for enabling focus on a particular chakra. Alternativ­ely, a seven-chakra meditation can also be followed that covers all the chakras at a time. Practising this daily, not only aligns the chakras, but also boosts physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

All the methods listed above are easy to incorporat­e in day-to-day life and aren’t even time-consuming. However, in case one requires support and handholdin­g for the same, connect with a specialist for deeper analysis and lasting resolution.

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