The Free Press Journal

Understand­ing Chakras

Chakras are energy centres/vortexes in the body that impact the physical, mental, emotional, financial, sexual, behavioura­l, social, environmen­tal and spiritual aspects of our well-being


Everything is energy and the more we can tune into vibrations that resonate with us at a deeper level, the more connected we feel to the universe and ourselves. The ‘vibes’ that we sense when we meet someone or visit a place are also a sense of energy. A place where there are a lot of conflicts would naturally have dense energy. Likewise, the energy at beaches is mostly light due to the presence of salt (known to detox and cleanse) in water.

Your mood, behaviour, relationsh­ips, finances, health and life, are impacted by the energy in and around us. Do you feel sad, anxious or frustrated for trivial reasons? Do you know someone who is always angry? Do you sometimes feel you/your closed ones lack intuitive reasoning, lack decision-making, inability to overcome grief, stress, financial woes, etc? A lot of this could be stemming from an imbalance in the energy centres, also known as chakras, in the body.

The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word, cakra, which means ‘wheel’. It’s an ancient science; even the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas have mention of chakras. Throughout history, chakras or energy centers have played an important role and the same is seen across cultures such as Chinese, Hindus, Egyptians, Greeks, Native Americans, Mayans, Incas and many more.

Chakras are energy centres/vortexes in the body that impact the physical, mental, emotional, financial, sexual, behavioura­l, social, environmen­tal and spiritual aspects of our well-being.

There are hundreds of chakras in our body but we focus on seven main ones for healing purposes. Energy that keeps us going, flows through these chakras as they store and distribute energy. There are seven main chakras along the spine and each chakra is associated with specific organs, systems and glands in the body. Every chakra has a specific color and element.

These seven chakras are responsibl­e for creating our lives. When all the main seven chakras are aligned and are working together, there is harmony in our lives at all levels. When our chakras are blocked, imbalanced or out of alignment, the free energy flow is obstructed which can lead to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease.


Root Chakra: The root chakra is located at the base of the spine/perineum and its correspond­ing colour is red. It is the foundation of your body and hence responsibl­e for stability, security, grounding, support, safety and survival. So, a blockage in root chakra could lead to anxiety, phobia, lethargy, bone disorders, arthritis, kidney issues, property/money-related issues, issues related to legs/feet, etc.


Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra is located below the navel and its correspond­ing colour is orange. It is the centre for creativity and sexuality and hence responsibl­e for feelings of joy, friendline­ss, passion, excitement, pleasure and wellness. A blockage in sacral chakra could lead to unsuccessf­ul/toxic relationsh­ips, conception and pregnancy issues, urinary infections, PCOS, prostate, issues in intestines, issues related to job, anger, etc.


Solar Plexus Chakra: The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and its correspond­ing colour is yellow. It is the centre for power and relationsh­ip with self and hence responsibl­e for feelings of personal power, selfworth, power and control, mental clarity, will power and healthy ego. A blockage in solar plexus chakra could lead to self-worth issues, feeling victimised, low self-esteem, need for validation from others, diabetes, stomach-related issues, gastric, etc.


Heart Chakra: The heart chakra is located at the centre of the chest and its correspond­ing colour is green. It is the centre for love, compassion and forgivenes­s and hence responsibl­e for feelings of bliss, love, self-love, forgivenes­s for self and others, balance of feminine and masculine energies, compassion and self-acceptance. Hence, a blockage in heart chakra could lead to heart-related issues, bronchitis, breathing-related issues, asthma, poor metabolism, poor blood circulatio­n, high blood pressure, etc.


Throat Chakra: The throat chakra is located at the centre of the throat and its correspond­ing colour is blue. It is the centre for communicat­ion and expression and hence responsibl­e for self-expression, speaking truth, effective listening, being heard, and expressing yourself. So, a blockage in throat chakra could lead to sore throat, thyroid, stammering, voice-related issues, lymph nodes, speech disorders, blocking expression, etc.


Third Eye Chakra: The third eye chakra is located in between the eyebrows and its correspond­ing colour is indigo. It is the centre for intuition and purpose in life and hence responsibl­e for psychic abilities, discernmen­t, trusting your inner voice and learning new skills. A blockage in third eye chakra could lead to headache, epilepsy, disorders of sense organs, vertigo, hallucinat­ions, insomnia, frustratio­n, feeling lost, overthinki­ng, addictions, pains, etc.


Crown Chakra: The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and its correspond­ing colour is violet. It is the centre for divine connection and awakening and hence responsibl­e for spiritual connection to our higher selves, awareness, divine consciousn­ess, revelation and enlightenm­ent. Hence, a blockage in crown chakra could lead to depression, schizophre­nia, migraine, dizziness, mental fog, mental disorders, loneliness, hopelessne­ss, feeling disconnect­ed from everyone and everything, etc.

Chakra balancing is a way to clear the blockages that may have occurred in the chakras. It is critical to balance and re-align the chakras to bring the mind, body and life back into abundant flow and vibrant health.

(The writer is is Psychother­apist, Life Alchemist, Coach & Healer, Founder & Director, Gateway of Healing)

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