The Free Press Journal

Pillars of health


We have known for some time now that most chronic diseases are caused by improper diet and lifestyle so why not change that? The human body is a self healing organism. By taking medication­s to suppress symptoms, we interfere with this self-healing process and create other problems which lead to more medication­s and the downward spiral of illness continues until death. Research on people living in various parts of the world called Blue Zones has shown that to expect chronic diseases with old age is a myth. People in these parts of the world live to be 90-100 without diseases. There is overpoweri­ng evidence that suggests that there are five pillars of health which contribute to the prevention and reversal of most chronic diseases.

2. Detox

As food is consumed and metabolise­d by the cells in the body, waste is produced that needs to be collected and excreted. This is done by the lymphatic system in our body which is almost as pervasive as the blood circulatio­n system. The human brain is only able to remove the metabolic waste at night during cycles of deep sleep. The 2016 Nobel prize winning research showed that by fasting over 24 hours our body recycles such waste by a process called autophagy. It is strongly recommende­d that one fasts every two weeks. This coincides with the Indian custom of Ekadashi fasts.

In addition, Nobel prize winning research in 2018 demonstrat­ed that keeping a prolonged fast of 9-10 days and consuming only one small meal a day, especially one low in protein, helps build immunity to major diseases like cancer. This recommenda­tion is almost identical to our custom of

Navratri fasts. Other yoga practices like Shatkarma are also good for detoxifica­tion and are encouraged.

5. Emotional & Spiritual Balance

Human emotions release hormones which are beneficial not only for emotional well-being but also physical health. Giving unconditio­nal love, for example to young children and pets, has a major impact on one’s health. Similarly, prayers full of gratitude flush our body with hormones which make us happy and content.

(The writer is a diet and lifestyle coach and Founder of Plant Based Wellness


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