The Free Press Journal

Sleeping with curly hair:

Seven tips to protect your mane!


Naturally, curly hair forms a tight spiral or a springy, ribbon-like shape. Curly-haired people, however, need to protect their tresses by sleeping well at night. So sleeping with curly hair has a certain science, whether it’s overnight masking, twist-outs, or just smoothing out frizz under a satin bonnet.

With curly hair, there’s no one way to sleep. The goal is to find a way to sleep with your hair that won’t leave you with dents, frizz, or flattened curls the next morning. You just have to figure out what’s best for you based on how long your hair is, how loose or tight your curls are, and whether you wear your hair wet or dry to bed.

1 Sleeping position

Sleeping on your side or stomach is best if you have curly hair. Also, sleeping on your side is good for your health. However, the weight of your head can leave curls matted and messy. When you move your head from side to side while you sleep on your back, you can also create frizz and knots in your hair.

2 Wear a loose bun

To prevent frizz, many people with curly hair sleep in a loose bun - it’s a tried and tested method. Put a leave-in conditione­r and scrunch gel in your hair before flipping it over and tying it up. Be sure to keep your bun loose, so your curls don’t get too stretched out. Tuck your bun very loosely and secure it with a scrunchie to avoid a dent.

3 Try T-shirt turban

If pineapple leaves a ponytail dent in your hair or loosens your curls, try this t-shirt turban method instead. It keeps your hair from getting flattened while you sleep. First, pin the bottom of the t-shirt at your neck. Next, knot the sleeves of the t-shirt, creating a loose turban.


Do an upward pineapple

If you’re going to sleep with your hair up, use a satin or cotton scrunchie (not an elastic). Don’t pull too hard or make the scrunchie too tight when you tie it around your hair.

5 Braid it or twist it

You’ll have fewer hair strands rubbing against other follicles or your bedding when your hair is more secure. Twisted bobby pins or small elastics, as well as well-secured braids, can keep your curls in place during the night.

6 Silk bonnet to the rescue

A bonnet or headscarf can do double duty protecting your hair. In addition to keeping your hair from getting frizzy while you sleep, these hair accessorie­s also keep your curls in shape.

7 Use a silk/satin pillowcase

Tossing and turning at night can damage your hair follicles and make them more prone to breakage. Even the high thread-count cotton pillowcase­s absorb your hair’s oils and scratch your hair strands. You can protect your hair by sleeping with a silk or satin pillowcase. Also, it keeps your head cool and keeps your scalp oil-free.

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