The Free Press Journal


- (Kushagra Patwa is Founder & Karma Counselor @ Karma Is Not A Bitch;

I t's my parents' 25th marriage anniversar­y next month. I was planning to surprise them with a vacation in Europe. This week they surprised us instead with the decision of filing for divorce. I always thought that we were a happy family. Now, I feel they suffered all this while by being together for our sake, but I also want to save my family from breaking up. What kind of karma is this? What should I do?

I What is the definition of a happy family? The Ancestral Karma has created this judgement about what is defined as a happy family. Ancestral Karma is created via the construct of values and beliefs built by society and upbringing across births. This judging enables the Ego Karma in this birth to have objection over whatever we judge as wrong or unfair. Hence, under the influence of your Ego Karma, you are feeling guilty and playing saviour for the family. Now you know the driver behind your suffering, so let go of this judgement. Remember, pain thrown by life is necessary but suffering is always a choice.


few months ago, I started a new company and it felt everything was falling in place and my dream was finally coming true. It felt like destiny. Today, I feel lost and have no clue what to do. I have used up my savings and have some debt as well. Going back to corporate life is something that I am dreading. This also happens with my father. Do you think it's family karma? We have always been stuck at the last step to success. How should I get rid of this bad luck and karma?

I This is definitely Ancestral Karma that has affected your family. Either you can wait for this Karma to ripen on its own, or you can take charge by doing some Body Memory Therapy and Karma Counsellin­g sessions. The feeling of dread is coming from judging the corporate life, which is triggering your Ego Karma. The effect of both these Karmas is blocking your internal truth and, hence, you are feeling lost.


y wife asked a question in this column expressing her doubts about leaving India with me, even though we have a kid together. Understand­ing the effect of Relationsh­ip Karma and after some Body Memory Therapy, we became aware of our past life stories. Now we are in a better place after letting go of the anger and guilt. I want to ask if that anger and guilt will come back again or if we have rid ourselves of the effect of our past birth karmas.

I Kudos to both of you for identifyin­g the karmas driving the suffering and toxicity of the relationsh­ip. Now, using Karma Counsellin­g, it's about retraining the mind to react differentl­y to these drivers. Once you create these new neural pathways, you need to keep training them to make them strong just like other muscles. The stronger these new neural pathways become the stronger the defense against the guilt and anger stored inside due to your Relationsh­ip Karma. Remember, magic doesn't happen overnight, it takes daily consistent work to make it happen and sustain it.

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