The Free Press Journal

De-stress and detox with Akasha Mudra


Akasha, which means sky, represents

'ether' or 'space' surroundin­g all creation. Space plays a significan­t role, as one of the five elements, in creating the form in which life exists. For humans, this form stands for their body.

The Akasha or Akasa Vardhaka Mudra (as referred to in Ayurveda) is one that enhances the space element. It is an Asamyukta (single hand) Mudra. It belongs to the Yoga Tattva Yogic tradition. Among the five elements, it is Akasha, which is all pervasive and indestruct­ible. With this Mudra we invite the pleasantne­ss of space within us and around us.

Both the middle fingers represent the space element,

as per the theory of basic five elements — fire, air, space, earth, water — building the entire universal forms. To practice Akasha Mudra, join the tips of the middle finger and the thumb and straighten the rest of the fingers. The thumb is a symbol of the fire


Akasha mudra creates the healing space within the body by facilitati­ng the flow of toxins in the form of urine, faeces out of the body, thereby detoxifyin­g it. It does away with the feeling of heaviness in the body, helping one overcome the uneasiness caused by overeating. As the name suggests, this Mudra is a combinatio­n of ether element (middle finger) with the sun (thumb) and thus come the powers to heal any ailment pertaining to sound. It is a boon for those hard of hearing, especially the elderly. It also helps in treating tinnitus. It is a first aid in case ones feels dizzy. This Mudra is successful in taking care of 'lockjaw' experience­d at times during yawning.

Due to its inherent quality of releasing tension and keeping the mind calm and serene, this Mudra is practiced during meditation. It is also a great Mudra for an anxious and over-processing mind. It helps overcome anger, sorrows and fears. Middle finger is also related to heart. The expansion of the space element by this Mudra can also help in controllin­g blood pressure. It cures Kaff Dosha, that is, phlegmatic constituti­on, cough and throat irritation.

As per the science behind the techniques of acupressur­e which are related to the existence of Chinese meridians, the tips of the middle fingers have points, acupressur­e points, which are connected to the sinuses. When these tips are pressed slightly the issues related to the blocked sinuses are healed. Thus there is a correlatio­n between the tips of the middle fingers and the spaces within the body; sinuses being one of them.

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Prof. G B Luthria

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