The Free Press Journal

Food you should avoid this summer


Nature has finally shed the warm the cloak of winter and come out in bright sunlight which in geographic­al The language we call the summer season. the season of Sun is now shining bright, it’s same time a harvest and blossom but at the basic cause of season of several illnesses. The the excessive most of the summer ailments is body heat which tends to increase the digestive temperatur­e and thus affect the perfect system, bacterial attacks etc. The best ways to summer lifestyle is one of the ailments keep oneself away from summer is diet. and one of the major part of lifestyle be avoided - Here are some summer food to

Street Food: There is nothing as Puri, delicious as the street food. Pani are some burger joints, samosa chaats etc delicacies of the avoidable mouthwater­ing with which we end up treating ourselves are exactly almost everyday. Sadly, these During the summer food to be avoided. fungus summers the growth of bacterias, side and virus are on a rise and street side food has an abundant of it. Street food usually are spicy which aggravates digestive problems and other illness.

Ice Cream: One of the favourite of the summer food, ice cream is one each summer food to be avoided. Firstly, and serving of ice cream is 400 calories has full another reason is that ice cream elements, milk content along with other to be more of which can make it difficult digested.

Egg: If you are among one of them who takes one egg it’s everyday with breakfast, then time you stop it in summers. Egg to is also among the summer food a be avoided in summer. Egg is complete food. It is high in protein, as which keeps the stomach full, protein takes time to digest. This property of egg might add on to the digestive system problem disorder which is typical of summer season. Egg can be taken once in a while but not along with an elaborate diet.

Snack Diet: During summers, due to fatigue, dehydratio­n and tiredness, our system itself wants to avoid elaborate dishes and restore to snack diet. Snack like burgers, pizzas, french fries should be avoided. These are junk food which have a complexed combinatio­n of several types of food, thus, creating health problems. Digestive disorder, allergies, skin problems etc.

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