The Free Press Journal

Healthy summer foods for kids,

To keep ‘em healthy and hydrated



One of the many benefits of tomatoes is cooling the body. Tomatoes contain 94 per cent water and can help you stay hydrated and promote regular bowel movements. If your child dislikes eating tomatoes, try mixing tomato juice with honey or adding tiny slices of tomatoes to the food.


Adding onions to the daily diet helps keep the body cool. You can add them to curries, dips, salad and raitas. Onions are also high in quercetin, which protects against sunstroke and is an anti-allergen.

Note: To derive maximum benefit, encourage your child to eat onions raw.


Peppermint possesses cooling effects that help to reduce the body heat instantly. It is a cooling herb that can be added to summer drinks and other foods. In addition, mint is a simple, inexpensiv­e, readily available herb that aids digestion. Try adding mint to curd or making mint juice for your children.


This green vegetable is not only full of nutrients but also comprises 91 per cent water. So, broccoli is delicious and healthy and keeps your children hydrated. Also, broccoli promotes weight loss and a healthy vision- so prepare some healthy broccoli snacks for your children this summer.


The cooling properties of yoghurt and curd make them ideal summer foods. This dairy wonder, a staple of most Indian homes, is also good for a toddler’s digestive system. Buttermilk is easily digestible and contains vitamins B12, potassium, calcium, riboflavin, and phosphorus.

Note: Children can consume yoghurt/ curd in various ways, such as with lassi, buttermilk and raita.


water Coconut water is easily the best drink for summer. Drinking coconut water is one of the best home remedies to reduce body heat and fight summer health problems like dehydratio­n and summer infections. This refreshing drink has an electrolyt­e compositio­n that is loaded with nutrients to boost your child’s energy.

Your child can drink a glass of coconut water every day to keep their body cool.

Lemon water

In addition to being a great summer drink, lemonade can also help treat indigestio­n, constipati­on, and dental problems. Children’s skin also benefits from lemon water, which is rich in vitamin C. You can have it sweet, salted, or after adding a pinch of black salt and cumin powder to it.

Khus sherbet

Green in colour, khus sherbet is made with khus syrup, sugar, water, and citric acid syrup. It gets its green colour from khus essence, a thick syrup made from the roots of khus grass (vetiver grass). Khus sharbat is a diuretic with cooling properties and is an excellent drink for summer.

Rice gruel

Also called Kanjika or Congee, this healthy food is a popular staple breakfast in East and South India. Kanji is consumed with side dishes such as pickles or curry mixed with buttermilk and salt. Apart from cooling the body, this summer food is also considered to be rich in B6 and B12 and is a healthy breakfast for your children. Fermented rice gruel or pazhamkanj­i is also good for children during summer.

Vegetable soup

There is nothing wrong with cold vegetable soups in the summer when the vegetable season is at its peak. Moreover, many of these soups use raw ingredient­s, so they’re extremely healthy. In addition, vegetarian­ism has many benefits in summer because it helps regulate and manage high body temperatur­es.

Vegetable salad

Summer is the perfect time to eat salads every day, as they satiate hunger and are high in fibre and low in calories and fat. You can keep your children adequately hydrated during the hot months by serving salads with leafy greens such as cabbage, spinach, and lettuce. This is also a perfect way to get your children to eat more veggies.

Fennel seeds

A variety of seeds such as fenugreek, poppy and fennel are great for bringing down your body heat. For example, take one tablespoon of fennel seeds, soak it overnight in a glass of water, and drink it in the morning to quickly bring down your body heat.

In addition to feeling dehydrated during the summer months, low energy levels are another symptom that comes with it. Therefore, we should take extra precaution­s during the hot season, especially for children. The hazards of summer can be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle and eating the right foods.

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