The Free Press Journal

By adding these things to your shampoo


Shampoo is the one hair product that all of us use. You can get different shampoos according to your various needs. For those of us who do not have the time or patience to use hair masks and other such things, you can add a few easily available ingredient­s to your shampoo for better results. These ingredient­s would amplify the effect of the shampoo without taking up any of your time. Moreover, these ingredient­s are very easy to use and can be found in most homes. If you do not have these ingredient­s, you can easily buy them at a shop and they would not be too heavy on the pocket either. Some things you need to be careful about while buying shampoos, is to make sure that the shampoo is sulphate and parabens free. Too many of these chemicals in the shampoos can irritate your scalp to make it turn itchy or flaky, thereby worsening any condition that was already there. Be very sure to check the ingredient list before buying a shampoo, and buy the one from a reputed brand. So, here are some things you can add to your shampoo:

1 Rose water

If you are suffering from itchy and uncomforta­ble scalp, then just add a cap full of rose water to your shampoo. This will soothe and ease your scalp. Additional­ly, it will also give a shine to your scalp. You can do this every time you feel like your scalp is getting itchy. Rose water is extremely gentle and can even be used by people who have a sensitive scalp.

2 Lemon juice

Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to your shampoo when you wish to give your hair a deeper cleanse. This would be great for people who have product build up on their hair that refuses to go away, no matter what. You can do this for times when you style your hair with a lot of mousses or creams or even when your hair oil does not go away and leave your hair feeling sticky and tacky. Lemon will also help to balance the pH level of your scalp.

Add a teaspoon of raw honey to your shampoo if you have really dry hair. Honey will also kill bacteria on your scalp and give a shine to your hair. Be sure to wash your hair properly, as we don’t want any of the sticky residue left from the honey.

4 3 Honey Lavender essential oil

Adding a few drops of this essential oil to your shampoo has a multitude of benefits. It can increase your hair growth levels if done properly. Lavender also has a calming and soothing effect on the mind. So, if you are suffering from a lot of stress, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your shampoo and you will notice that all your stress and anxiety will be gone. Lavender also has the most beautiful fragrance that will follow you all day.

5 Aloe vera gel

We are sure that all of you are aware of the amazing benefits of this gel. Aloe vera gel happens to be a favourite for all sorts of issues. In fact, we have seen aloe vera flavoured green teas and juices as well, and they are delicious. If you add aloe vera gel to your shampoo, it will ease scalp irritation and keep your scalp hydrated without making it too oily. Aloe vera gel protects the hair from damage and breakage and cleanses the hair at the same time. It also helps promote hair growth by hydrating the scalp.

6 Amla juice

Amla juice or the juice from Indian gooseberry is really good for the overall health of your hair. Adding a teaspoon of this juice to your shampoo will make your hair blacker over time, it will promote hair growth and it acts as a natural conditione­r for the hair as well. You can use this every time you shampoo your hair, in order to get best results.

7 Tea tree oil

This oil is another essential oil you can add to your shampoo. Tea tree oil is antifungal and antibacter­ial in nature. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo to get rid of dandruff. The best part about this is that this works without stripping our hair of its natural oils, unlike most anti-dandruff shampoos. Tea tree oil will also rid your scalp of all infections, which are most often the cause for extreme dandruff. Do this once every week and your dandruff will be gone in no time.

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