The Free Press Journal

Natural remedies to treat appendicit­is


Alot of us are aware of the slow and dull pain of appendicit­is. It starts in the abdominal area and then wreaks havoc in the whole body with passing days. Though doctors mostly prescribe undergoing a surgery and getting the appendix removed, the idea may not go down well with everyone. However, once diagnosed, this inflammati­on of the appendix gland can be cured with a few natural remedies, unless it is on the verge of rupturing. Here is a rundown of ingredient­s that have been proven to be useful in curing the symptoms of appendicit­is.


Ginger, due to its antiinflam­matory components, has been traditiona­lly used in medicines of chronic inflammato­ry diseases. The rhizome, or the plant stem of ginger contains 6-gingerol. Upon investigat­ion, this extract has shown the highest antiinflam­matory activity on tumour cells. It is quite therapeuti­c for metabolic disturbanc­es such as vomiting or nausea that patients feel during the appendicit­is pain. Whether consumed as slices or in the form of juice, ginger could truly reduce the discomfort level in your body.

Green gram

Mung bean or green gram displayed antibacter­ial agents. Hence, they are considered to be a cooling food for the stomach. Doctors and practition­ers advise to eat 1 tablespoon of green gram every day, rinsed thoroughly and soaked overnight - either raw or steamed or lightly microwaved. You can have it thrice daily, for best results.


It is the easiest and most commonly available pain cure for appendicit­is. Ingredient­s like coriander and mint leaves, grated cucumber, and a pinch of grated ginger not only enhance the probiotic effect of buttermilk, but also make for a refreshing drink. Sipping on a glass of buttermilk at least once a day works wonders on your digestive system as well.

Honey and lemon

Constipati­on is considered to be a major cause of appendicit­is. Honey and lemon, have been proved to improve constipati­on and ease the bowel movements. So indirectly, they help in curbing the symptoms of appendicit­is. A glass of warm water infused with honey and lemon every morning could relieve the discomfort of irregular bowel movements.

Vegetable juice

When you suffer from appendicit­is, a fibre-heavy diet is the best way to keep the natural flow of your digestive system going. Vegetables like carrot, cucumber, beetroot, cranberry, radish, spinach are great sources of fibre. They also help in relieving pain, detoxifyin­g your blood, fighting infection and improving overall digestion. Incorporat­ing fresh juice in your daily diet will soothe the appendicit­is pain to a great extent.

Ginseng tea

This Chinese herb contains a particular antiinflam­matory component named saponins. Hence, it is a miraculous cure to the pain and inflammati­on related to appendicit­is. Brew 1-2 teaspoons of ginseng in boiling water and drink the solution once it cools down. It is advisable to consume it twice a day for pain relief.

Fenugreek seeds

When it comes to natural prevention of appendicit­is, fenugreek seeds are one of the list toppers. They contain antioxidan­ts such as flavonoids, alkaloids and saponins. They are rich sources of fibre and protect intestinal epithelial membrane by binding the toxins of food. This is why they are believed to prevent the formation of pus in the appendix, thus, alleviatin­g the pain. For best effects, boil the seeds in water for about 30 minutes and drink the strained water once cooled down.

Whole wheat

The fibre content in unrefined whole wheat flour makes it extremely helpful in managing constipati­on during appendicit­is. Mixing the sterilised bran of wheat with your regular flour can benefit you in the long run as well. The goodness of whole wheat is widely present in brown bread. So opt for brown bread instead of white bread.


Basil is known for its medicinal properties. It improves digestion and alleviates constipati­on equally well. Add these in your favourite cup of green tea or just crush them in a bowl of yogurt to relish at the end of your meal.

Mint leaves

Everybody is aware of the cooling effects of mint leaves. However, they work great in releasing gas and restoring your natural digestive process. To eliminate the pain of appendicit­is, soak 4-5 mint leaves in a cup of warm water and drink it with a dash of honey.

Green tea

The antioxidan­ts and antiinflam­matory agents in green tea can act as natural painkiller­s for appendicit­is pain. Add the tea leaves in lukewarm water and do not boil them, as this might ruin the benefits.


Garlic can be your all-time go-to home remedy when it comes to appendicit­is. The anti-inflammato­ry components present in it make it an incredible pain-reliever. Mix crushed garlic cloves in warm water and drink it every morning.

Gotu kola

This medicinal Chinese herb, alternativ­ely known as Centella asiatica, contains antioxidan­ts and anti-inflammato­ry compounds that accelerate the natural healing of cells. Drink it as a herbal tea twice a day to experience a speedy recovery from appendicit­is pain. Nonetheles­s, patients suffering from hypertensi­on should refrain from having gotu kola.


Due to its natural antiinflam­matory properties, it is quite helpful in releasing the inflammati­on of the appendix. Mix turmeric powder with ginger and honey for best results.

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