The Free Press Journal

Benefits of Sol Kadhi: A konkan delight


Are you aware of the health benefits of sol kadhi? Well, it is a healthy soup and it is quite popular in certain parts of India. It is believed to have originated from the Konkan areas. The main ingredient­s used are chillies, cumin seeds and coconut milk. Many people enjoy its taste but this soup offers more than just taste. There are several health benefits of sol kadhi and if you are aware of them you will feel like including it in your daily meal. It should be consumed after lunch. The healing properties of this drink do a good job in preventing certain ailments. It is a natural way of boosting your immunity. It is made of a fruit called kokum. You can easily learn how to make sol kadhi and the best part is it can be prepared fast and it is inexpensiv­e too.

Helps your digestive system: Another benefit of sol kadhi is that it improves digestion. You can feel cleansed after your digestive system is totally cleared. Your body absorbs food well when your digestive system is clean. Various problems like gas, indigestio­n, constipati­on, heartburn and diarrhea can be prevented when your digestive system is cleansed regularly.

Cools your system:

Kadhi cools your body and you need it more in the summer.

It is a natural cooling agent and works well in hot climates. In various parts of India, sol kadhi is consumed along with lunch. It is a thick liquid and tastes good. It can refresh, relax and cool you down on a hot summer day.

Prevents nausea:

This is one of the benefits of sol kadhi. It prevents nausea. If you frequently suffer from nausea or any of its symptoms, include sol kadhi in your lunch for a few days and notice the difference.

Keeps constipati­on at bay:

Prevents constipati­on and diarrhea. As this liquid is good for your digestive organs, you can expect relief from certain problems like constipati­on.

Prevents headaches:

It also prevents migraines. Nowadays, each working day at the office gives us a headache. Instead of popping in pills, it is better to let sol kadhi do its job.

Helps you lose weight:

This is one of the benefits of sol kadhi. As it speeds up your metabolism, you will be able to reach your targets faster as far as your weight loss goals are concerned.

Improves your skin:

It enhances your skin texture. Those of you who wish to enhance the quality of skin can try sol kadhi regularly to see subtle changes in the quality of your skin.

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