The Free Press Journal


Over 1000 youth embark on a journey to Lakshadwee­p with Pujya Gurudevshr­i Rakeshji


In an unpreceden­ted convergenc­e of a spiritual, cultural and social awakening, Pujya Gurudevshr­i Rakeshji, founder of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur along with over 1100 youth recently embarked on a transforma­tive journey to the serene Lakshadwee­p Islands.

The gathering was accorded a state welcome by Shri Harshit Saini, Deputy Collector-cum-CEO Central Group of Islands (Agatti & Bangaram) along with the local administra­tion.

After a tour of Agatti Island with government representa­tives, Pujya Gurudevshr­i Rakeshji blessed the land with meditation and sacred chants as the youth immersed in devotion by the shores. The event saw the recitation of the National Anthem by all the youth on the beach.

The land of Lakshadwee­p was sanctified by Pujya Gurudevshr­i’s divine presence, the first time ever. This trip reinforced Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s “Explore Indian Islands” campaign, marking Lakshadwee­p as the present-day idyllic destinatio­n of choice.

“We'll cherish these memories of Lakshadwee­p's tropical charm and spread the word about visiting mindfully without damaging the fragile environmen­t,” remarked Vyoma Sanghavi, age 25, from Mumbai.

Putting into action Pujya Gurudevshr­i’s mission statement, “Realise One’s true self and serve others selflessly,” selfless service played a pivotal role during the retreat. The youth also dedicated time to give back to the local communitie­s and the ecosystem.

As a symbol of long-term commitment to the area by Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care, Pujya Gurudevshr­i visited a local school and distribute­d educationa­l aids, sports equipment, grocery kits and a television set as a gesture of compassion for over hundreds of students. The children of Govt. Junior Basic School, North Agatti, welcomed Pujya Gurudevshr­i Rakeshji with an endearing performanc­e.

The trip also marked the presentati­on of the framed photograph­s of Mahatma Gandhi and his spiritual guide Shrimad Rajchandra­ji, to be placed at the Lakshadwee­p Administra­tor’s Office.

In addition to service activities, the youth also immersed themselves in local culture through traditiona­l dance performanc­es, multiple water sports activities, sampling local cuisine and browsing handmade crafts. Magical sunrises spent meditating on the beach renewed their sense of purpose. “This retreat has empowered us to appreciate nature, serve communitie­s and become explorers - both of outer and inner worlds,” said participan­t Ruhil Doshi from Mumbai. “Lakshadwee­p's tranquilli­ty and charm have left a lasting impact on our hearts.”

This inspiratio­nal spiritual journey succeeded in revealing Lakshadwee­p's treasures - the unexplored gem of India - and inviting the rest of the country to experience it too.

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