The Free Press Journal

Trikarana Shuddhi

- — Prof S Ainavolu

‘Tri’ in Samskrutam means number three, ‘Karana’ is the channelisi­ng, and ‘Shuddhi’ signifies alignment/purity. Tradition says we have three ways of involved life viz. Manasa, Vaacha, and Karmana. These three means respective­ly are by thought, through words, and finally through actions. In Lalita Sahasranam­a Mother Goddess is extolled as the ‘Ichha shakti, Jnana shakti, Kriya shakti swaroopini’, meaning enveloped in our Desire, Knowledge, and Action.

Ichha or desire originates in thoughts first. Jnana or knowledge is the strategisi­ng the path. Third level is to convert the desire and knowledge into action for the fulfilment at a material level. Thus, three faculties involved are Manas, the thinking, Vacha, the enquiry, and Karma, the action.

When we have three distinct and different faculties incharge of the process, we often are not sure of the aligned actions and focused pursuit. It is often compared using the analogy of cart pulled by two bulls that are moving in different directions. Significan­t discountin­g happens and lower shall be the ‘resultant’. Higher the divergence, lower the net result.

Thus, alignment is required between three faculties of Manasa, Vacha, and Karmana is the natural logic.

At a physical level through examples, one may realise that in ‘tug of war’ situation, energy loss happens if the directions of pull are different. In such a case sometimes there is no net movement. On mental plane too, the thought of pursuing some goal and counterpro­posal of not pursuing the same often result in inaction. When there is no action the probabilit­y of realising the pursued goal is close to naught. This reinforces the thought that we need to be single minded in terms of thought, speech, and action.

The divergence between the thought and speech in fact results in inner discord. We

think in a way but can’t or won’t express that openly for some fear or seeking favour. Resultant is shallow and hollow life. Next level of divergence between the speech and action removes the credibilit­y in the context. The tr

ust in the ecosystem reduces. When the trust reduces the result is, increased transactio­n costs and falling of contracts wide and apart. Simply saving such situations can happen through Trikarana Shuddhi. Oneness pursued through convergenc­e of three essentials. Best efforts and matching outcomes follow.

Prof S Ainavolu is a Mumbaibase­d teacher of tradition and management. He is with VPSM. Views are personal.

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