The Free Press Journal

A natural approach to combat hair loss:

Essential foods for healthy hair growth


Whether you like it or not, to have thinning hair (or going completely bald) is pretty much outside your control. You’re losing hair each day, besides some strands reaching a point where they stop growing back anymore. Some guys might have fewer strands growing out to replace them. Sorry folks, but when it comes to hair loss, the process is almost 100 percent genetic. So, what do you do when your hair starts falling off like dry straws? Well, running to posh salons for expensive hair treatment might seem a brilliant idea. The treatments available to combat balding, including stimulatin­g hair growth, are proven to be largely effective nowadays.

But what is the matter with such intense hair loss in the first place? Why does it happen?

However, that’s not to say you are powerless to stop the hair-fall process. Once you have identified the source of your issue, it becomes much easier to fight it back. In times like these, it would be much helpful to go completely natural. That means, do not trust chemical products, as they are more likely to cause harm than good. Lifestyle also plays a pivotal role.

First, let us help you locate the various reasons for hair loss. Numerous studies, across the globe, have revealed that men lose hair for some of these common reasons:

Prolonged illnesses like typhoid, anaemia, dysentery, jaundice, etc Poor blood circulatio­n Improper diet

Genetic factors

Lack of proper vitamins Excessive stress Anxiety and worries Unclean scalp

Serious nutritiona­l deficienci­es can be the primary reason behind increased hair loss as, in such cases, hair shafts become weak, causing breakage and slow regrowth of new hair.

That being said, let us tell you that you can manage to get a hold of the situation back at your home alone. So, what do you exactly have to eat to make your hair grow faster? We’ve considered all the possible reasons to put together a list of the best superfoods for your hair. Continue reading, but more importantl­y, eat your way to fuller, richer, and stronger hair.

Vitamin E boosts blood circulatio­n, aiding hair follicles for better growth and maintainin­g balanced oil and pH levels. Avocados, a rich source of Vitamin E and monounsatu­rated fats, can be easily incorporat­ed into your diet. Whether added to salads or blended into smoothies, they support your quest for healthier hair. Remember, a nutritious diet benefits not just your body but also your 150,000 hair follicles.

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