The Free Press Journal

Success tips for a container garden


GYou have to make sure that there is enough room in the container for the plants an the soil. Keep in mind the mature size of the plant. Make sure that there is enough room for the roots to move downward into the soil. Provide good drainage system for container gardening. Always have the facility of drainage holes or at least have 1 to 2 inch layer of gravel at the bottom of the container.

ardening is a good past time for all ages. When you have a garden in your home, it looks presentabl­e and unique. Some are not lucky to have a huge garden to grow lot of different plants all at the same time, so container gardening is the next best option. Container Gardening is the practice of growing plants exclusivel­y in containers instead of planting them in the ground. The best feature of growing a container Garden is that you can create a whole new garden every time. Here is how you can make container gardening successful at your very own home:

During summer, most of the plants are going to require daily watering. So make sure to water them on a frequently to avoid the plant from becoming dry.

Use good soil. Mix the soil with perlite, and peat which will retain moisture for a longer time and will be well draining. Its best the you choose plants with the same cultural requiremen­ts. Unlike a garden bed , you can now select plants that will be happy to get the same amount of water and sunlight and food.

Balance the size of your container and the plant. Try to make sure that the plants dont grow twice the size of the container.

Lack of water can kill your plant, especially if it is a container garden. Unlike the plants that grow in the ground, the container plant roots cannot move down deep in to the soil in search of subsurface water. So make sure to check the plants often so that they don’t thrive for water.

Use a good fertilizer for your plant. For container plants, the roots cannot spread out for additional food in the soil , so you have to provide good soil nutrients regularly.

You should know that there are many types of plants that are suitable for container gardening. The secret to container gardening is that the sequence of bloom is entirely within the gardener’s control.

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