The Free Press Journal

Demolition: Humanitari­an crisis unfolds in Sangolda



In the wake of a demolition operation conducted by the authoritie­s in Sangolda, a humanitari­an crisis has unfolded as hundreds find themselves displaced and homeless.

The demolition, aimed at clearing illegal houses and structures on community land, has left around 150 people, including women and children, without shelter and basic amenities.

Three days after the demolition, the displaced residents continue to endure severe hardship as they struggle to find a place to rest and access necessitie­s. With nowhere else to go, they have resorted to sleeping under the open skies amidst the rubble of their former homes.

The lack of proper sanitation facilities further compounds their difficulti­es, with the threat of disease looming large.

One distraught resident, who has called Sangolda home for over four decades, expressed his anguish, highlighti­ng the abruptness of the demolition and the lack of time given to salvage belongings.

“We will not move from this place until we get proper rehabilita­tion. How can they do this to us? I was born and studied in Goa. For the last 45 years I have been staying in this place,” he lamented, pointing to the rubble that was once his home.

The plight of the displaced individual­s is exacerbate­d by societal prejudices, as revealed by one member of the minority community who shared their struggle to find refuge due to discrimina­tion based on their religious identity.

“When we say we are Muslims, no one is ready to offer even a room for us to stay. Is this humanity?” he questioned.

 ?? Agnelo Pereira ?? A makeshift cooking facility has been set up to prepare meals for the entire community affected by the demolition drive.
Agnelo Pereira A makeshift cooking facility has been set up to prepare meals for the entire community affected by the demolition drive.

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