The Free Press Journal

UK PM faces stiff resistance over his smoking ban plans


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces very vocal resistance against his plans to effectivel­y ban smoking for anyone aged 15 and younger as a new bill comes up for a vote in the House of Commons on Tuesday.

The British Indian leader proposed the Tobacco and Vapes Bill last year and declared his vision for creating a “smokefree generation” by making it an offence to sell tobacco products to anyone born after January 1, 2009, which covers children aged 15.

Once it clears its parliament­ary journey, the new legislatio­n will introduce some of the world’s strictest anti-smoking laws in the country.

“I propose that in future we raise the smoking age by one year, every year. That means a 14-year-old today will never legally be sold a cigarette and that they – and their generation – can grow up smoke-free. We know this works,” Sunak had declared at the Conservati­ve Party conference in October last year.

As there is Opposition backing for the bill in Parliament and governing Conservati­ve MPs have a free vote on the bill, any Tory votes against the bill will not be seen as a full-blown rebellion against the Prime Minister.

But two of Sunak’s immediate predecesso­rs, Liz Truss and Boris Johnson, have been leading a very vocal group of Tories who plan to vote against the bill as “unConserva­tive” and taking away choice from the public.

“The truth is that there is no safe level of tobacco consumptio­n. It is uniquely harmful, and that is why we are taking this important action today to protect the next generation,” said UK Health Secretary Victoria Atkins.

“This Bill will save thousands of lives, ease the strain on our NHS [National Health Service], and improve the UK’s productivi­ty,” she said.

Under the new law, smoking itself would not be criminalis­ed, and anyone who can

Rishi Sunak’s bill aims to create the UK’s first smoke-free generation in a major public health interventi­on

legally buy tobacco will not be prevented from doing so.

The ban aims to stop people from smoking even before they start as the government pointed to its highly addictive nature, with four in five smokers picking it up before the age of 20, remaining addicted for life.

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