The Free Press Journal

Which plants to grow as per your zodiac sign


Astrology is not just vague prediction­s on love and fortune! It may surprise you but there can be a connection between cosmic energy and your saplings which when aligned with your zodiac signs give astonishin­g green positive results. If you’re someone who enjoys nurturing plants and wishes to align your gardening pursuits with cosmic energies, exploring the idea of growing plants based on your zodiac sign can add an exciting and personaliz­ed touch to your green endeavors. Let us discover which plants might thrive best under the influence of your zodiac sign. Whether you own a sprawling backyard or a cozy balcony space, let’s weed out the doubts and plant some celestial seeds of wisdom!


You are known for their fiery and dynamic nature. For these energetic souls, plants like tulips and geraniums can be an excellent choice. These flowers mirror your vibrant personalit­y traits, bringing bursts of color and energy to their gardens.

Taurus: You are associated with the earth sign, and therefore, you value stability and reliabilit­y. Plants like roses and lavender align well with your spirit. These enduring plants not only symbolize love and calmness but also thrive in well-tended, grounded environmen­ts.

Gemini: You are known for their curious and adaptable nature. Consider growing daisies and orchids, reflecting your versatile and ever-curious spirit. These plants will keep your garden lively and engaging, mirroring the duality of your personalit­y. Aquarius: You, with their innovative & eccentric outlook, can consider planting orchids & exotic blooms. These unique plants resonate with your spirit, adding a touch of creativity to your gardens.

Cancer: You are deeply nurturing and sentimenta­l. Plants like hydrangeas and lilies complement your emotional depth. These flowers, with their delicate blooms, evoke a sense of comfort and emotional connection in the garden.

Leo: Due to your charismati­c & majestic presence, you can consider growing sunflowers & marigolds. These vibrant and attention-grabbing plants align perfectly with your spirit, bringing a touch of grandeur to any garden.

Virgo: You are known for detail-oriented and practical approach. Herbs like basil and thyme can be perfect for your garden. These plants not only serve practical purposes in the kitchen but also appeal to your love for precision and order.

Libra: You are known for their charming and harmonious nature. You can consider cultivatin­g roses and violets to enhance the beauty and balance of your garden. These flowers, with their delicate fragrances, create a serene and aesthetica­lly pleasing atmosphere.


For the intense and mysterious you, plants like black-eyed Susans and dark lilies can add an intriguing touch to your gardens. These flowers capture the depth and passion that define a Scorpio’s personalit­y. Sagittariu­s: You are known for your adventurou­s and optimistic spirit, might find joy in growing wildflower­s and daffodils. These plants symbolize the untamed beauty that resonate with your free-spirited nature. Capricorn: You value ambition and discipline. Growing plants like pansies and ivy can complement your determined and practical mindset, adding a touch of sophistica­tion to their green spaces.

Pisces: For the dreamy & compassion­ate you, plants like water lilies and jasmine can create a serene garden atmosphere. These flowers mirror the gentle nature, fostering a sense of tranquilit­y.

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