The Free Press Journal

5,000 lives lost in one Israeli strike


When an Israeli shell struck Gaza’s largest fertility clinic in December, the explosion blasted the lids off five liquid nitrogen tanks stored in a corner of the embryology unit.

As the ultra-cold liquid evaporated, the temperatur­e inside the tanks rose, destroying more than 4,000 embryos plus 1,000 more specimens of sperm and unfertilis­ed eggs stored at Gaza City’s Al Basma IVF centre.

The impact of that single explosion was far-reaching – an example of the unseen toll Israel’s six-and-a-half-monthold assault has had on the 2.3 million people of Gaza.

The embryos in those tanks were the last hope for hundreds of Palestinia­n couples facing infertilit­y.

“We know deeply what these 5,000 lives, or potential lives, meant for the parents, either for the future or for the past,” said Bahaeldeen Ghalayini, 73, the Cambridge-trained obstetrici­an and gynaecolog­ist who establishe­d the clinic in 1997.

At least half of the couples — those who can no longer produce sperm or eggs to make viable embryos — will not have another chance to get pregnant, he said. “My heart is divided into a million pieces,” he said. Three years of fertility treatment was a psychologi­cal roller coaster for Seba Jaafarawi. The retrieval of eggs from her ovaries was painful, the hormone injections had strong side-effects and the sadness when two attempted pregnancie­s failed seemed unbearable. Jaafarawi, 32, and her husband could not get pregnant naturally and turned to in vitro fertilisat­ion (IVF), which is widely available in Gaza.

Large families are common in the enclave, where nearly half the population is under 18 and the fertility rate is high at 3.38 births per woman, according to the Palestinia­n Bureau of Statistics. Britain’s fertility rate is 1.63 births per woman.

Despite Gaza’s poverty, couples facing infertilit­y pursue IVF, some selling TVs and jewellery to pay the fees, Al Ghalayini said.

At least nine clinics in Gaza performed IVF, where eggs are collected from a woman’s ovaries and fertilised by sperm in a lab.

Most frozen embryos in Gaza were stored at the Al Basma centre

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