The Free Press Journal



ll of us dream of having luscious, long and smooth hair, cascading down our back, like a waterfall. Then, we look at them and lament on how pollution and everyday activities have just made our hair dull and frizzy as well as increased hair fall, dandruff and split ends. All you need to do is take a little time out of your busy schedule and provide some nourishmen­t to your hair.

What is the best way to nourish our hair?

Which oils are the most beneficial in strengthen­ing our hair and making it absolutely flawless? Hands down, it has got to be a fusion of castor oil and amla oil. Independen­tly, castor oil (made from removing the oil out of castor seeds) is beneficial for hair growth, it is antibacter­ial and antifungal, therefore, removes all sort of folliculit­is, dandruff and scalp infections, helps in proper blood circulatio­n in the scalp, and makes our hair smooth, long and beautiful.

The benefits of amla or Indian Gooseberry oil are very similar to that of castor oil. It helps in regrowth of hair, thickens the hair, it is an antioxidan­t, which keeps hair follicles strong and healthy, and regularly using Amla oil also benefits hair shaft, therefore reducing breaking of the hair and split ends. As mentioned above, castor oil and amla oil provide us outstandin­g results. However, will the results remain as superb if they were to be mixed rather than used separately?

Let’s look at certain facts about amla oil and castor oil because, why would we want to mix them if they provide similar results, right?


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