The Free Press Journal

Bits of these fruit and veggies are actually good for you!


eep that skin peeler and knife back where it belongs in the kitchen drawer, because after reading these amazing benefits of leaves, skin, core and seeds of fruits and vegetables, which are normally considered inedible, will make you want to eat them whole (don’t forget to wash them though). Here’s the list

Green ends of spring onions

The green ends of spring onions are the milder tasting bits of this leafy vegetable. They are very rich in folate when compared to the rest of it and they are also the most discarded parts before consumptio­n. It also has a lot of vitamin C and fibre that would be wasted if not consumed with the bulb. These green ends can be finely chopped with some garlic and added to soups and salads as garnish. It also has beta-carotene which our body converts to vitamin A and vitamin A is an immunityen­hancing vitamin.

Seeds of butternut squash

Just like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, muskmelon seeds are rich in proteins and important nutrients and minerals, so are butternut squash seeds. This winter squash is rich in protein, fibre, vitamin A, folate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and very importantl­y, zinc. Zinc is essential for cognitive functions, immunity, common cold treatment, wound healing and for the reproducti­ve system. Magnesium is essential for calcium absorption, bone health, for relieving anxiety, headaches, diabetes, to fight fatigue and for energy production.

Wash the seeds and roast them.

Core of pineapple Skin of kiwi fruit

Almost all of us prefer to remove the outer, thick and hairy skin of the kiwi fruit before we consume it because, let’s be frank, it doesn’t look edible at all. But this layer is actually edible and is also very rich in vitamin E, vitamin C and folate. Vitamin E and folate are extremely important to the immune system because they help fight infections and illness. Consuming the skin of the kiwi fruit also triples the fibre intake which acts as an antioxidan­t that helps fight free radicals in the body. Thus, consuming a kiwi with its skin on increases the quantity of these amazing nutrients and minerals by almost 30%-50%.

The core of the pineapple is a little hard and a little less sweet compared to the rest of the fruit and is usually discarded. It is less known that this core has a protein-digesting enzyme called bromelain. This core is perfectly edible and can be chopped into fine pieces and added to a fruit salads or desserts. It is known to be a natural aid for digestion making it perfect to end a large meal with. Some studies have proved that the core of the pineapple helps reduce inflammati­on and pain which makes it important to consume to repair tendons and tissues.

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