The Free Press Journal

Things to eat/drink to avoid heat strokes


Heat stroke is a life-threatenin­g emergency and should not be taken lightly. It is a fatal condition that can cause severe damage to the brain or other organs of the body. But, fortunatel­y, it can be largely prevented, by taking steps like drinking plenty of water, staying indoors and, most importantl­y, increasing the intake of water-rich food to prevent the issue. Food items rich in water, essential nutrients and electrolyt­es should be included in your diet for the prevention against heat stroke. With the rising temperatur­es, it is necessary to keep the body well hydrated and eat cooling foods, which will prevent the body from getting overheated. This summer, take extra care of yourself, as the summer sun is far more unforgivin­g than ever! Since we always emphasise on the fact that prevention is always, always better than cure, we’ve compiled a list of 10 cooling food items to eat/ drink this summer to avoid heat strokes. These food items will keep your body cool and hydrated from the inside. Have a look at them.


You probably know of the old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but during summer it can also keep heat stroke away. The water content for apples is 84%, and it is highly nutritious, hence this is an ideal fruit for the season.


Watermelon is a natural detoxifier that is great for removing toxins present in the body, which increase body heat. Just a few slices of this fruit will keep you well hydrated from the inside this summer.


There are several reasons why you should befriend cucumbers this summer. It mainly consists of water and electrolyt­es. Eat this to fight the scorching heat waves.

Coconut water

This is great for hydrating your body and lifting your energy. Coconut water is considered to be an excellent remedy for heat exhaustion.


Lettuce is 94% water and is also rich in Vitamin A. Have this green leafy vegetable this summer to prevent heat strokes and also to keep your system running cool.


Rich in water, vitamin C and antioxidan­ts, radish acts as an effective cooling agent during summer season. You could opt to have it raw in salads or have it



Great for digestion, buttermilk also serves as a wonderful cooling agent. Have a glass of this healthy drink every day to keep your body cool.


This water-rich fruit can significan­tly reduce body heat. Include this in your summer diet to keep your body heat under control.


This one is a no-brainer. The multi-purpose lemon is rich in citric acid and water. You can drink a lemonade or squeeze some fresh lime on salad, the choice is yours!


Citrus fruits are considered to be particular­ly refreshing for the summer season. Loaded with electrolyt­es and potassium, it effectivel­y hydrates the body and protects the body from heat stroke.

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