The Free Press Journal

Bloodstone: Health, healing, and harmony


Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a dark green variety of chalcedony (cryptocrys­talline quartz) that typically has red or brownish spots due to the presence of iron oxide inclusions. Bloodstone is mainly found in countries like India, China, Brazil, Australia, China, and the United States.

Mohs Scale

Bloodstone ranks between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This rating indicates that bloodstone is hard and durable, making it suitable for use in various types of ornaments. The Mohs scale measures a mineral's ability to resist scratching, with talc rated as one (the softest) and diamond rated as 10 (the hardest).

Healing and health

Bloodstone is believed to detoxify and purify the body, particular­ly the blood. It helps with circulatio­n and supports the immune system. It enhances physical strength and stamina, making it a popular stone for athletes or those recovering from illness. Bloodstone also alleviates pain, reduces inflammati­on, and aids healing of wounds.

Emotional and mental benefits

Bloodstone is considered a protective stone, stabilises mood swings, and reduces anxiety and stress. It boosts courage, confidence, and resilience, helping wearers face challenges and overcome obstacles with a steady mind. Bloodstone improves decisionma­king and increases focus and concentrat­ion.

Spiritual benefits

Often regarded as a powerful protective stone, bloodstone shields its wearer from negative energies and harmful influences. It boosts intuition and creativity, and helps individual­s connect with their inner selves.

Chakra associatio­n

Bloodstone balances and aligns the root chakra, promotes a sense of safety, stability, and overall well-being. It is also connected to the heart chakra, promoting healing, balance, and emotional stability.


Bloodstone can be used during meditation to enhance focus, provide grounding, and encourage a deeper connection to the present moment.


Place the bloodstone on a selenite slab or a cluster of clear quartz crystals for a few hours. Both selenite and clear quartz have cleansing properties that can recharge and purify other stones. You can also place the crystal in direct sunlight or full moon night for a few hours. However, do not leave the crystal in the sunlight for a long time as it can affect the colour of the stone.

Cleanse your bloodstone regularly, especially after intense use or exposure to negative environmen­ts. When cleansing, set a clear intention for what you wish to achieve, such as removing negative energy or recharging the stone's positive vibrations. This applies to all crystals.

Pairing with other crystals

Pairing bloodstone with other crystals can enhance its metaphysic­al properties. Here are some crystals that complement bloodstone well.


Amethyst supports spiritual growth and intuition. This pairing helps to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote emotional stability.

HEMATITE: This is a highly grounding and protective crystal that gels well with bloodstone. Together, they boost physical strength, stamina, and resilience.

BLACK TOURMALINE: Black tourmaline provides strong protective energy, creating a powerful shield against negativity when paired with bloodstone.

GREEN AVENTURINE: Together they attract luck and new opportunit­ies and promote emotional balance.

ROSE QUARTZ: This crystal promotes love and emotional healing. The combinatio­n of rose quartz and bloodstone fosters compassion, forgivenes­s, and emotional balance.

Fun Fact

During the Middle Ages, bloodstone was associated with the blood of Christ. It was often used in sculptures and carvings depicting religious scenes.


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