The Hindu (Bangalore)

What the heck – more humour, less uniformity, please!


Every year the IPL gives rise to many nonstories and irrelevanc­ies.

This year (so far) it is the saga of Hardik Pandya versus the fans of Rohit Sharma (and the fans of his own earlier team). Perhaps it’s seen as a change from all that sixhitting which can get tiresome. It has the advantage too of taking the conversati­on away from stuff like which Bollywood star was seen at which match.

But the ‘booing’ strategy lacks imaginatio­n. It is too generalise­d. As many have reported, Sunil Gavaskar and Sachin Tendulkar are among those who have had the experience. But surely in the thousands of spectators across the country, there is someone with a sense of humour, someone who can raise a heckle without raising a hackle.

Reports that suggest Pandya is the first Indian to be subjected to such treatment are wrong. In his playing days, Ravi Shastri was greeted at virtually every ground in India with cries of ‘Hai, hai Shastri’. Not for anything he did, but because of spectator perception­s.

Shastri incident

This ‘hai’ is not a synonym of ‘hello’ but a jeer. Shastri dealt with this with remarkable maturity, ignoring it, and as he said, using it as motivation to play better. Tiger Pataudi has written about how closein fielders stopped sledging him when they discovered it only caused him to concentrat­e harder.

For a brief period, Shastri was addressed by friends as ‘Hai, hai Shastri’; occasional­ly, when he greeted someone with a ‘Hi soandso’, the response he got had two ‘Hi’s’ in it. In the 80s and 90s everyone thought this was hilarious.

Playing well is the best revenge. Perhaps Pandya should have a chat with Shastri, although he isn’t doing too badly himself, calling the heckling the crowd’s way of saying how much it loves him.

It may have begun as fans’ displeasur­e at his replacing a beloved captain of Mumbai Indians (according to one report, no Pandya jerseys were on sale outside the Wankhede, with enterprisi­ng vendors pushing the Rohit

Sharma jersey, having assessed the mood). It will continue till the various spectators find something else to occupy them. After a while the original reasons are forgotten, and the crowd is just having fun. Neither the cricket board nor the local authoritie­s need to get involved even if sections of the media want them to.

Heckling is an ageold sporting tradition, and so long as it doesn’t spill over into toxicity with racist, religious or sexual abuse or invectives against family (and there are sensible rules to deal with these), no one can complain. But as players ignore the jibes, the temptation to raise the temperatur­e to provoke a reaction may be strong. Humour (“I wish you were a statue and I a pigeon,” as one heckler in Sydney called out to a player) tends to be inclusive while abuse excludes or ‘others’ the recipient.

Heckling is a gift, calling for a range of gifts not available to everybody at a match. Imagine a stadium full of spectators sitting silently and perhaps nodding their heads occasional­ly when the batter hits a six or a cover point misfields. The barracker brings to spectators­hip an enjoyment and an involvemen­t that is unique.

Cricket’s most original heckler, ‘Yabba’ (Stephen Harold Gascoigne), the author of the above witticism, has been immortalis­ed with a statue at the Sydney Cricket Ground. He sits in typical heckler’s pose, with right hand a halfcup beside his mouth. He was funny, knew the players’ stories and had a voice that carried — three important and necessary qualities.

Game rich in humour

Cricket is a game rich in humour, but publicly neither the mediatrain­ed players (“I bowled in the right areas”) nor the playerplea­sing media is likely to cause laughter in the stands with a funny line. That is left to the spectator, and if he doesn’t oblige, the game is the poorer.

Sharmila Tagore tells a lovely story of someone sitting near her during a Test match yelling at her after husband Tiger Pataudi had misfielded a ball. “I told you to behave yourself last night,” he screamed. That was funny enough. What was funnier was that the yeller was her father. Passion for the game manifests itself in different ways.

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