The Hindu (Coimbatore)

Doctrine of surrender


Permits walls to be built around hole (6)

Apartment level (4)

Where silly ideas may be swept? (5)

Inform William the archer (4)

For example, girl gets copper plate at first to make an item of tableware (6)

After skipping reunions, indecent exposure may be foreseen (8) Conduct dry run on coffin carrier (8)

Previous journalist survived (6)

Soon, Muscat may produce space travellers (10)

Immovable... but moving at high speed? (4)


PLA frigate is flying a standard with skull and crossbones (6,4) Horribly inept ward is sorry (8)

United Nations exposition is partial (6)

French leave part of raw olives (4)

8 having gone out of the romance, she ain't hot anymore (3,5) Master Oliver's having alcohol (6)

Boy returns charge for meat (4)

Corn labyrinth one is trapped in (5)

Prepare edible stew for animal (10)

Endlessly hoping to get small tablets for headache (8)

Checks and scolds (5,3)

In empty cannery, place a quantity of paper that's greasy (6) North European, but can be French too (6)

In Greece, Cupid rose awkwardly (4)

Setter rejected American birds (4) 14 19 27

Solution to previous puzzle

Solution to yesterday’s Sudoku

Maharshi Valmiki asked sage Narada who among the heroes of this world is the highest in virtue and wisdom. Sri Rangan Swamy said in a discourse that Valmiki did not ask about Rama’s qualities. Lord Narayana responded to the elephant Gajendra who called Him “Adhimoolam­e”. Similarly, Valmiki enquired, keeping in mind Lord Rama’s supremacy (Parathvam).

We must surrender to the supreme being with the power and capacity to protect us. This is called “Gopthruthv­am,” an essential feature of the doctrine of surrender.

The foremost of all the divine qualities of God is to extend Abhayam or asylum to those who surrender. Sri Rama had shown this throughout Ramayana.

Lakshmana surrendere­d at Rama’s feet to go to the forest with Him. There can be no better servitude than Lakshmana’s, who had the fortune to serve Rama for 14 years.

Bharatha placed the sandals of Rama and ruled the kingdom as an agent. He was the best example of surrender that a person should remove the concept of “I” and “Mine”. Bharatha said, “Myself and the kingdom belong to Rama” (Rajyam cha Aham cha Ramasya).

Lord Rama assured all the sages that He would save them from ogres.

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