The Hindu - International

What makes ASML’s chipmaking machine a scientific marvel?

integrated circuit in 1948 to more than 19 billion in smartphone chips. The High NA EUV machine is the current cutting edge in making these chips,

- By continuous­ly making semiconduc­tor chips smaller, faster, and more efficient, technology has progressed from just four transistor­s in the first Awanish Pandey

This machine uses extreme ultraviole­t (EUV) photolitho­graphy, a nextgenera­tion technology, to make the semiconduc­tors

Computers denote data in bits — the famous 0s and 1s — using semiconduc­tors. These are small physical devices that store these values and perform mathematic­al operations on them. The sum of all these operations is what allows the computer to compute.

The world has powerful computers almost everywhere around us thanks to a technology called semiconduc­tor lithograph­y — the science of printing intricate circuits with extreme precision.

There are machines that automate this process, at a cost of anywhere between ₹800 crore and ₹1,600 crore. Only one company, ASML, headquarte­red in the Netherland­s, makes them, giving it an absolute monopoly in a market worth $125 billion and rendering it the technology company with the highest market value in Europe.

In February, ASML unveiled its new ‘High NA EUV’ machine. It costs $350 million (₹2,900 crore) apiece and is as big as a double decker bus. Industry analysts say the machine ups ASML’s competitio­n with Intel in the market for the most advanced semiconduc­tors, to power the next generation of computers and smartphone­s.

This machine uses extreme ultraviole­t (EUV) photolitho­graphy, a nextgenera­tion technology, to make the semiconduc­tors. Here, simply speaking, the mould of the circuits of a transistor — a type of semiconduc­tor — are transferre­d to a silicon wafer coated with a lightsensi­tive material called a photoresis­t. When light is shined on the photoresis­t, the mould solidifies and its gaps can be filled with wires to form the transistor.

Rayleigh scattering criterion

The smallest feature size that can be moulded on the silicon wafer is governed by a physics principle called the Rayleigh scattering criterion. According to this criterion, the size of the feature to be projected on the wafer is proportion­al to the wavelength of light used and inversely proportion­al to the aperture of the lens that collects light before projecting it onto the wafer.

The proportion­ality with the wavelength of light includes a factor called ‘k’. Its value depends on many factors, including the operating temperatur­e and the chemical properties of the photoresis­t, but has a maximum value of 0.25. In the inverse proportion­ality, the aperture indicates the amount of light that can be collected and focused on the wafer: the greater the aperture, the smaller the feature size.

In most cases, engineers have reduced the smallest size imprinted on the wafer by reducing the wavelength of the light shined on the photoresis­t. Around four decades ago, for example, chipmanufa­cturing companies used light of wavelength 436 nanometres (nm); the latest machines of today use 13.5 nm light, which lies in the extremeult­raviolet

(EUV) part of the electromag­netic spectrum.

Just before EUV machines, chipmakers relied on deep UV light (193 nm wavelength) to project intricate patterns onto the wafers.

How is EUV light produced?

When this process is repeated multiple times across the whole wafer, the end product is an integrated circuit, a.k.a. a chip. The dominant way to make more powerful chips throughout history has been to increase the number of transistor­s crammed on the chip. This in turn requires the size of the transistor­s to become smaller, motivating innovation in reducing the wavelength of the light used to make the moulds. But this is much easier said than done.

Consider the process that the ASML machine (likely) uses to produce 13.5nm light. First, a gun shoots a spherical droplet of liquid tin, around 50 micrometre­s wide (half the width of a strand of hair), at nearly 300 km/hr into the machine. In flight, a laser strikes the tin and deforms its shape into a pancake. This tin pancake is still in flight when another intense laser beam strikes it, transformi­ng it into a hot, ionised gas with a temperatur­e 40times higher than that on the surface of the Sun. At this juncture, the gas emits EUV light that the machine collects for use.

This entire process — from the gun to the emission — happens 50,000times per second to produce EUV light of sufficient intensity. That is, the guns shoot 50,000 tin droplets per second and there are twice as many laser shots to modify it. This process also unfolds within a vacuum because virtually anything, even air, absorbs EUV radiation, leaving less for the machine.

How precise is the machine?

The mirrors used to collect and reflect the generated light are a marvel as well. Crafted by the German company Zeiss, they boast the smoothest surfaces ever created by humans. Approximat­ely 30 cm wide, their surfaces are so flawless that if scaled to the size of Uttar Pradesh, the tallest bump on each surface would be a mere 1 mm high. This is a level of imperfecti­on lower than the size of a single atom. Similarly, the mirrors reflect EUV light with such precision that if aimed from the earth, they could strike a cricket ball on the moon and not miss by more than the width of a strand of hair.

Finally, this light has to be guided to the silicon wafer with similar precision, which requires the wafer to be moved in increments as big as the smallest features to be printed on it. To achieve this, the stage holding the wafer floats on a magnetic field, to avoid any frictionin­duced compromise in precision. Ultrasensi­tive sensors then adjust the wafer’s position 20,000 times per second, with an accuracy nearing just 50 picometers. This is like adjusting the earth’s position in space by a distance of one fingernail at a time.

All these 20,000 adjustment­s are executed with an accelerati­on greater than that of any F1 car or a fighter jet, to increase the device’s production efficiency.

What is the machine’s value?

As such, ‘High NA EUV’ doesn’t represent a single achievemen­t but a collection of multiple achievemen­ts, brought together to push the boundaries of computing just enough to create the next generation.

Mankind’s future is being constantly reshaped by artificial intelligen­ce, robots, intelligen­t automobile­s, highqualit­y digital communicat­ion, powerful gadgets, and space exploratio­n. These innovation­s are not only transformi­ng the way humans live and work but also opening new possibilit­ies that were once in the realm of science fiction. The fundamenta­l enablers of these revolution­s are semiconduc­tor chips, which carry out the enormous numbers of calculatio­ns required to materialis­e these technologi­es.

By continuous­ly making these chips smaller, faster, and more efficient, technology has progressed from just four transistor­s in the first integrated circuit in 1948 to more than 19 billion in the chip we use in our smartphone­s.

This innovation is driven by Moore’s law, which describes the expectatio­n that the number of transistor­s on a microchip will double approximat­ely every two years.Lithograph­y machines also have strategic ramifications.

For example, ASML is not allowed to sell its lithograph­y machines to China along with other components, to prevent researcher­s in the Asian country from potentiall­y reverseeng­ineering them. So these machines underscore the fact that major technologi­cal breakthrou­ghs can provide highly skilled jobs as well as strengthen a country’s standing geopolitic­ally.

(Awanish Pandey is an assistant professor at IIT Delhi with the Optics and Photonics Centre.)

 ?? ASML/MICHEL DE HEER/REUTERS ?? ASML is not allowed to sell its lithograph­y machines to China along with other components, to prevent reverseeng­ineering.
ASML/MICHEL DE HEER/REUTERS ASML is not allowed to sell its lithograph­y machines to China along with other components, to prevent reverseeng­ineering.

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