The Hindu - International

Reincarnat­ion and realpoliti­k keeps Dalai Lama’s succession in dilemma


Esoteric questions of reincarnat­ion rarely have realworld political consequenc­es, but many fear the search for a successor to Tibet’s Dalai Lama could inflame regional rivalries.

The 88yearold spiritual leader, Tenzin Gyatso, has shown no indication of serious health issues, and has said that his dreams suggest he could live until he is 113.

But as Tibetans prepare to mark on Sunday the 65th anniversar­y of the failed uprising against Chinese forces that led to him fleeing into exile in India, the question of who will succeed their ageing leader is in sharp focus.

Tibetan activists are keenly aware that his death will mark a major setback in his push for more autonomy for the Himalayan region. It would deprive the cause of a Nobel Prize winner whose moral teachings and idiosyncra­tic humour have made him one of the world’s most popular religious leaders.

Many expect China will name a successor. That raises the likelihood of rival nomination­s for the sixcentury­old post, including one chosen by exiled Tibetans based in India, a regional rival of China.

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While the bodies of previous Dalai Lamas have been entombed in stupa burial mounds, Tibetans believe their soul carries on, living in a new being.

Tibetan monks traditiona­lly choose the Dalai Lama through a ritualisti­c search that can take years, seeking telltale signs a child is the reincarnat­ion of a spiritual leader first born in 1391.

The 14th Dalai Lama, who has lived in exile in the northern Indian town of Dharamsala since the failed uprising in 1959, has floated the possibilit­y of a nontraditi­onal succession.

He already ended the post’s political powers in 2011 in favour of an elected government­inexile.

Keeping Beijing on its toes, he has alternativ­ely suggested that his reincarnat­ion could be a girl for the first time, or that he might be the last Dalai Lama.

 ?? AFP ?? Long struggle: Dalai Lama is celebrated worldwide for his tireless campaign for greater autonomy for his Tibetan homeland.
AFP Long struggle: Dalai Lama is celebrated worldwide for his tireless campaign for greater autonomy for his Tibetan homeland.

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