The Hindu - International

A voice from across the boundary line


A fishermen’s leader from the Sri Lankan Northern Province told The Hindu on condition of anonymity that the Sri Lankan fishers were upset at the use of banned nets by their Tamil Nadu counterpar­ts. The use of purse seine nets not only damages the natural resources but also affects the catch. “When the fishermen are aware of the consequenc­es of violating the Internatio­nal Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL), they cannot fault the Sri Lankan Navy personnel who are only doing their duty,” he said.

‘Unfair claim’

Above all, the Indian Coast Guard personnel patrolling the Palk Bay have GPS and they must warn the Tamil Nadu fishermen if they were found crossing the IMBL, especially since they knew well that they were fishing in internatio­nal waters and claiming it as their right was unfair and unacceptab­le, he said.

He said the Sri Lankan courts had only now punished the Tamil Nadu fishermen, especially the repeatoffenders, and the penalty was welcomed by the Sri Lankan fishing community. “No doubt, India and Sri Lanka are friendly nations. During the economic crisis, the Indian government and the Tamil Nadu government, under Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, had given us aid. The Sri Lankan people will not forget it,” he said. But he hastened to stress that the Indian fishermen should confine fishing activities to Indian waters or they must face the legal consequenc­es. “The Tamil Nadu fishermen should go in for deepsea fishing as their government is offering concession­s. We know of fishermen from Rameswaram who are engaged in deepsea fishing in Mangaluru, Kochi, and other parts,” he added.

 ?? SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T ?? A counter-protest: Sri Lankan fishermen hoisted black flags along the Yalpanam coast on March 3. They urged the government to take more stringent action against trespassin­g Indian fishermen.
SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T A counter-protest: Sri Lankan fishermen hoisted black flags along the Yalpanam coast on March 3. They urged the government to take more stringent action against trespassin­g Indian fishermen.

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