The Hindu - International

The power of women


Some may believe Internatio­nal Women’s Day is a modern day construct; however, celebratio­n of women power is an ancient one in our culture, dating back eons. Karadaiyan Nonbu is one such, said Suchithra Balasubram­anian in a discourse.

We are all asked to chant, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu (May all beings everywhere be happy and free). One should always pray for the wellbeing of others, since God comes rushing to the aid of those one prays for. The observance of Karadaiyan Nonbu is in line with this principle. Also known as Gauri puja, on this day, women pray to Goddess Devi for the longevity and health of their husband.

Falling in the cusp of the end of the Tamil month Maasi and start of Panguni, the nonbu celebrates Savitri’s unwavering love and presence of mind, which helped her wrest her husband literally from the jaws of death. Born as the daughter of Ashtapati, Savitri wished to marry Satyavan, despite the prescient knowledge that he would die within a year of their marriage. Puranas say that although determined to enjoy the happiness from the union, she also steadfastl­y prayed to Devi to bless her with a long conjugal life. At the end of a year of the marriage, Yama, the God of Death, arrived to claim Satyavan’s life. Known as someone who showed neither fear nor favour in his duty, he was neverthele­ss moved by Savitri’s love. He offered her a boon. The clever woman said she wanted to birth a few children. Yama quickly granted her wish, before realising that to do so, he would have to allow Satyavan live.

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