The Hindu - International

Overcoming theoretica­l limits on solar cell capacity

Solar photo voltaics have inherent limitation­s which are the subject of research.

- Priyali Prakash

In photovolta­ics – i.e. the study of conversion of light energy into electrical energy — the ShockleyQu­eisser limit is a theoretica­l concept that defines the maximum capacity of a solar cell to produce electricit­y.

The Sun is the primary source of light and energy on the earth. Photovolta­ic devices like solar cells allow us to harness this energy. Photovolta­ic cells are made of semiconduc­ting materials like (doped) silicon. When sunlight interacts with a semiconduc­tor, it excites electrons from the lowerenerg­y valence band to the higherener­gy conduction band.

This transition leaves behind a vacancy in the valence band called a hole. (To be more precise, a hole is a vacant site where an electron is supposed to be. Since it denotes the absence of an electron, a hole is also a place with positive charge.)

The process of an electron moving to the conduction band and leaving a hole behind in the valence band creates an electronho­le pair. These pairs are the fundamenta­l charge carriers in

Researcher­s have been trying to surpass the ShockleyQu­eisser limit and use more solar energy, and thus improve the cells’ efficiency, but this has been easier said than done

semiconduc­tors and play a crucial role in the operation of electronic devices.

In short, electronho­le pairs create the photocurre­nt — an electric current created as a result of radiation — in the semiconduc­tor.

We know that the efficiency with which a solar cell can produce an electric current when sunlight is incident on it can’t be 100% because some light particles (photons) pass through the material without interactin­g with it (i.e. transparen­cy loss, around 25%) and some energy simply heats up the material without exciting the electrons (thermalisa­tion, around 30%). As a result, the maximum efficiency of a convention­al solar cell is confined, and this range is called the ShockleyQu­eisser limit. It is named after the physicists William Shockley (of the U.S.) and HansJoachi­m Queisser (Germany).

These days, a solar cell can convert only a third of the incident solar energy into electric energy. The semiconduc­tor can’t make use of photons with less energy than that required by electrons to jump across the band gap. Similarly, photons carrying significantly more energy than the size of the band gap only heat the device.

Researcher­s have been trying to find ways to surpass the ShockleyQu­eisser limit and use more solar energy, and thus improve the cells’ efficiency, but this has been easier said than done.

South Korean physicist Young Hee Lee has said carrier multiplica­tion and hot carrier extraction are two promising pathways. In the former, a cell allows a photon to create multiple electronho­le pairs. The latter aims to quickly capture photons with ‘too much’ energy before they dissipate as heat.


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