The Hindu - International

Scientists build a camera to ‘show’ how animals see moving things

- Sanjukta Mondal

Animalvisi­on video could help people navigate wild landscapes without hurting camouflaged animals; help farmers spot fruit pests invisible to the human eye but readily visible to animals that have evolved to eat those fruits; and even transform the way wildlife documentar­y films are made

The specialise­d cells that respond to light, called photorecep­tors, are unique to each animal

To most people, leaves are green and oranges are orange. But if our pets could speak, they’d disagree.

We know there are many different ways to ‘see’ the world because that’s the diversity we have found in animals. Organisms with the ability to see have two or more eyes that capture light reflected by different surfaces in their surroundin­gs and turn it into visual cues. But while all eyes have this common purpose, the specialise­d cells that respond to the light, called photorecep­tors, are unique to each animal.

For instance, human eyes can only detect wavelength­s of light between 380 and 700 nanometres (nm); this is the visible range. Honey bees and many birds on the other hand can also ‘see’ ultraviole­t light (10400 nm).

While the human visual range is relatively limited, it hasn’t abated humans’ curiosity about how animals see the world.

Thankfully we don’t have to imagine too much. Researcher­s at the University of Sussex and the George Mason University (GMU) in the U.S. have put together a new camera with the ability to view the world like animals do. In a paper published in PLoS Biology, the team has written their device can even reveal what colours different animals see in motion, which hasn’t been possible so far.

Making the invisible visible

Animals use colours to intimidate their predators, entice mates or conceal themselves. Detecting variations in colours is thus essential to an animal’s survival. Animals have evolved to develop highly sensitive photorecep­tors that can detect light of ultraviole­t and infrared wavelength­s; many even notice polarised light as part of their Umwelt – the biological systems that make a specific system of meaningmak­ing and communicat­ion possible.

Neither human eyes nor most commercial cameras have been able to tap into this unchartere­d territory of animal vision. In the new study, exponents of biology, computer vision, and programmin­g came together to create a tool that could record and track the complexity of animal visual signalling.

The tool combined existing multispect­ral photograph­y techniques with a new camera setup and a beamsplitt­er (to separate ultraviole­t and visible light), all encased in a custom 3Dprinted unit. The system recorded videos simultaneo­usly in visible and ultraviole­t channels in natural lighting. They fed the camera output through some code (written in Python) that could convert the visual data to the physical signals produced by photorecep­tor cells.

Finally, the researcher­s modified these signals based on what they already knew about how an animal’s photorecep­tors work, and produced videos true to what that animal might see. These used false colours in these videos so that, for example, a particular colour could stand in to show ultraviole­t imagery.

In sum, the camera system translated what animals see in visible and nonvisible light into colours compatible with the human eye.

The time challenge

You may have already seen falsecolou­r images – like when you saw the Hubble space telescope’s iconic snap of the ‘Pillars of Creation’. The stars and nebulae don’t actually look that resplenden­t to human eyes. They are coloured that way to show what the telescope saw in, say, infrared or radio wavelength­s. Scientists have also used falsecolou­r images to understand how flowers reflect ultraviole­t light to influence the behaviour of insects nearby.

But false colours can only stand in for so much. According to the researcher­s, existing techniques to visualise the colours animals see require objectreflected light to predict how an animal’s photorecep­tor would respond or require a series of photograph­s in wavelength­s beyond human vision (with the help of bandpass optical filters). Both scenarios require the subject to be motionless. The new system can visualise freeliving organisms in their natural settings, however.

In addition, Pavan Kumar Reddy Katta, a graduate teaching assistant at GMU and one of the study’s authors, said the team wrote a program that could accept both ultraviole­t and visiblelig­ht data and spit out complete videos. “We made use of a continuous stream which allowed us to resolve our data at various points of space and time and produce realtime visualisat­ions in animalvisi­on,” he told this author.

The next big thing in animal vision

Equipped with the new camera, the research team checked what the flower blackeyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) looks like to honey bees (Apis mellifera).

“To our eye, the blackeyed Susan appears entirely yellow because in the humanvisib­le range, it reflects primarily long wavelength light,” the team wrote in its paper. “Whereas in the bee false colour image, the distal petals appear magenta because they also reflect ultraviole­t, stimulatin­g both the ultraviole­tsensitive photorecep­tors … and those sensitive to green light … By contrast, the central portion of the petals does not reflect ultraviole­t and therefore appears red.”

According to the paper, the visual mechanisms animals have evolved to communicat­e and protect themselves could help solve many of our detection problems. For example, the animalvisi­on video could help people navigate wild landscapes better and without hurting camouflaged animals. It can help farmers spot fruit pests that are not visible to the human eye but are readily visible to animals that have evolved to eat those fruits.

Daniel Hanley, assistant professor at GMU and the study’s correspond­ing author, said their invention could even transform the way wildlife documentar­y films are made.

The camera system could allow filmmakers and ecologists to record the animal world through a new lens and create new visual experience­s. He also said the platform’s striking images could be used to communicat­e the science of the living world to young audiences.

“We are thinking of creating a science exhibit for children using our setup, flowers, and live animals,” Dr. Hanley said. “Where children can just click a button to experience what a snake might see or a honeybee might see.”

(Sanjukta Mondal is a chemist-turned-science-writer with experience in writing popular science articles and scripts for STEM YouTube channels.)

 ?? CCBY 4.0 VASAS V, ET AL., 2024, PLOS BIOLOGY, ?? This illustrati­on compares three flowers  summer snowflake (A, B), blue phlox (C, D), and a blue violet (D, E)  in honeybee false colour (left) and humanvisib­le colours (right).
CCBY 4.0 VASAS V, ET AL., 2024, PLOS BIOLOGY, This illustrati­on compares three flowers summer snowflake (A, B), blue phlox (C, D), and a blue violet (D, E) in honeybee false colour (left) and humanvisib­le colours (right).
 ?? ??

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