The Hindu - International

With landslide win, Putin the patriarch tightens grip over Russian state, society

If in the late 1990s, Vladimir Putin was seen as the leader who could fix Russia’s problems after the ‘decade of humiliatio­n’, now he is the face of the state that’s at war ‘with the collective West’ and has built an authoritar­ian system at home after ne

- Stanly Johny

here was no surprise. When Russia’s election authoritie­s announced results of the presidenti­al election, Vladimir Putin, who has been in power for nearly a quarter century, was elected for another term. He won 87% of votes, extending his reign for six more years, while his closest rival, Nikolay Kharitonov of the Communist Party of Russian Federation, won 4.31% vote. There was no meaningful challenge to Mr. Putin in the election. Candidates who were critical of his policies, including the Ukraine war, were barred from contesting. Statecontr­olled media hardly allowed any voices of dissent.

If he completes his term, Mr. Putin, now 71, would surpass Joseph Stalin as the longest serving leader of modern Russia and the longest serving Russian leader since Catherine the Great, the 18th century Empress, who captured Crimea from the Ottomans and annexed it in 1783.

In many ways, Mr. Putin’s rise to power is intertwine­d with Russia’s own comeback from the forced retreat of the 1990s, which many Russians call the “decade of humiliatio­n”. He has witnessed the peak years of the Cold War, the collapse of the state, which he called a “catastroph­e” and the years of chaos. If in

Tthe late 1990s, he was seen as the man who could fix Russia’s problems, now he is the face of the state that’s at war in Ukraine “with the collective West” and has built a watertight authoritar­ian system at home that allows no dissent.

Rise to power

Born in 1952 in Stalin’s Russia, Mr. Putin graduated in 1975 from Leningrad State University (now Saint Petersburg State University). He served 15 years as a foreign intelligen­ce officer for the KGB (Committee for State Security), of which six years were in Dresden, East Germany. In 1990, a year before the disintegra­tion of the Soviet Union, Mr. Putin retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In the new Russia, he started his political career in St. Petersburg, the former capital of the Tsars. In 1994, he became the first Deputy Mayor of the city. Two years later, Mr. Putin moved to Moscow where he joined the Kremlin as an administra­tor. He captured the world’s attention in 1998 when President Boris Yeltsin appointed him as director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor of the KGB. He never had to turn back.

Great power rivalry

During the early years of Mr. Putin’s presidency, Russia’s ties with the West were relatively cordial. Russia was taken into the G7 industrial­ised economies in 1997. Mr. Putin supported the U.S.’s war on terror after the September 11 terrorist attack. In 2001, President George W. Bush said Mr. Putin was “very straightfo­rward and trustworth­y”. But the larger factors of great power rivalry would soon take over the postSoviet tendencies of bonhomie. When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, Russia took a strong position against it. A year after the

Iraq invasion, NATO expanded further to the east, this time taking the three Baltic countries — Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, all sharing borders with Russia — and four others in Eastern Europe into its fold.

Having silently accepted NATO’s expansion in the past, a more confident and militarist­ic Russia appeared to have drawn a red line on Georgia and Ukraine, both Black Sea basin countries that share borders with Russia. In 2008, the year Georgia and Ukraine were offered membership by NATO at its Bucharest summit, Mr. Putin sent troops to Georgia in the name of defending the two breakaway republics — South Ossetia and Abkhazia — which practicall­y ended Tbilisi’s NATO dream. In 2014, immediatel­y after the elected Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych was toppled by Westbacked protests, Russia annexed Crimea, the peninsula that hosts Russia’s Black Sea fleet. Mr. Putin also offered military and financial aid to separatist­s in the Russianspe­aking territorie­s of Eastern Ukraine, which rose against the postYanuko­vych regime in Kyiv.

The conflict that began in 2014 snowballed into a fullscale war between Russia and Ukraine on February 24, 2022, when Mr. Putin ordered his “special military operation”. “He has three advisers,” Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told an oligarch after the war began, according to an FT report. “Ivan the Terrible. Peter the Great. And Catherine the Great.”

Tight grip

Domestical­ly, Mr. Putin has tightened his control on the Russian state over the years. He stepped down as President in 2008 as he was constituti­onally barred from a third consecutiv­e term but became Prime Minister under President Dmitry Medvedev. Four years later, Mr. Putin returned as President. This time, he got the Constituti­on amended that allowed him to stand in Presidenti­al elections again. Alexei Navalny, his most vocal opposition leader who survived an assassinat­ion attempt in August 2020, died in a prison in February. The Kremlintol­erated opposition parties, including the Communist Party, do not pose any organisati­onal or ideologica­l challenge to Mr. power.

In the state he rebuilt, Orthodox Christiani­ty holds a prominent place. He is fighting not just a military conflict with the West, but also a culture war between “civilisati­ons”. He is the new patriarch of “mother Russia”, not just the President of a modern republic. He has mastered a complex model, with regular elections, that allowed him to retain total dominance on Russian politics, while keeping dissent and political opposition under check, something which British historian Perry Anderson calls ‘a managed democracy’. At the same time, he constantly pushed to expand Russian influence abroad, challengin­g the West.

At home, there are signs that his regime is ageing, which were evident in the rebellion of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of private military company Wagner, or silent protests in Russia, including on the election day. But Mr. Putin seems confident and unfazed. In his victory speech on Sunday, Mr. Putin declared that he will stay the course. “We have many tasks ahead. But when we are consolidat­ed — no matter who wants to intimidate us, suppress us — nobody has ever succeeded in history, they have not succeeded now, and they will not succeed ever in the future,” said the Russian leader to cheering supporters, who chanted “Putin, Putin... Russia, Russia”.

Putin’s hold on

 ?? AFP ?? Long reign: If he completes his term, Putin would surpass Joseph Stalin as the longest serving leader of modern Russia and the longest serving Russian leader since Catherine the Great.
AFP Long reign: If he completes his term, Putin would surpass Joseph Stalin as the longest serving leader of modern Russia and the longest serving Russian leader since Catherine the Great.

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