The Hindu - International

Jan. 6 attack, a cornerston­e of Donald Trump’s bid for the U.S. White House

The revisionis­t history of January 6 remains a rally centerpiec­e of Trump even as he must appeal broadly to a general election audience; he is also shifting blame for his own role in the runup to the bloody mob siege and asking voters to absolve hundreds


epublican Donald Trump has launched his general election campaign not merely rewriting the history of the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, but positionin­g the violent siege and its failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election as a cornerston­e of his bid to return to the White House.

At a weekend rally in Ohio, his first as the presumed Republican Party presidenti­al nominee, Mr. Trump stood onstage, his hand raised in salute to the brim of his red MAGA hat, as a recorded chorus of prisoners in jail for their roles in the January 6 attack sang the national anthem.

An announcer asked the crowd to please rise “for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6th hostages.” And people did, and sang along.

“They were unbelievab­le patriots,” Mr. Trump said as the recording ended. Having previously vowed to pardon the rioters, he promised to help them “the first day we get into office.”

Initially relegated to a fringe theory on the edges of the Republican Party, the revisionis­t history of January 6, which Mr. Trump amplified during the early days of the GOP primary

Rcampaign to rouse his most devoted voters, remains a rally centerpiec­e even as he must appeal broadly to a general election audience.

In heaping praise on the rioters, Mr. Trump is shifting blame for his own role in the runup to the bloody mob siege and asking voters to absolve hundreds of them — and himself — over the deadliest attack on a seat of American power in 200 years.

At the same time, Mr. Trump’s allies are installing 2020 electionde­niers to the Republican National Committee, further institutio­nalising the lies that spurred the violence. That raises red flags about next year, when Congress will again be called certify the vote.

And they’re not alone. Republican­s in Congress are embarking on a reinvestig­ation of the January 6, 2021, attack that seeks to shield Mr. Trump of wrongdoing while lawmakers are showcasing side theories about why thousands of his supporters descended on Capitol Hill in what became a brutal scene of handtohand combat with police.

Five people died in the riot and its aftermath.

Taken together, it’s what those who study authoritar­ian regimes warn is a classic case of what’s called consolidat­ion — where the state apparatus is being transforme­d around a sinupon to gular figure,

Mr. Trump.

Jason Stanley, a philosophy professor at Yale, said in history the question comes up over and over again: How could people not have taken an authoritar­ian leader at his word about what was going to happen? “Listen to Trump,” he said.

“When a coup against the democratic regime happens and it’s not punished, that is a very strong indicator of the end of the rule of law and the victory of that authoritar­ian movement,” he said.

“Americans have a hard time understand­ing that what happens in most of the world can happen here, too.” in this case

Mr. Trump is facing a fourcount federal indictment over January 6 — charges he conspired to defraud Americans over his 2020 election defeat and obstructed the official proceeding in Congress to certify the vote for Joe Biden. As the Supreme Court considers Mr. Trump’s claim that he should be immune from prosecutio­n, it’s unclear when the case will go to trial, raising the possibilit­y it might not be resolved until after the election.

The initial House Select Committee on January 6 found that Mr. Trump criminally engaged in a “multipart conspiracy” to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 presidenti­al election and failed to act to stop his supporters from attacking the Capitol and beating police.

More than 1,200 people have been charged in the riot, including farright Oath Keepers and Proud Boys extremists, with hundreds convicted. Mr. Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani and attorney John Eastman also face legal challenges over their work on the 2020 election.

Mr. Trump’s campaign, in response to an inquiry from The Associated Press, pointed to the work from the House investigat­ors who are trying to show inconsiste­ncies in the Select Committee’s probe and its star witness Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide who had a frontrow seat to inner workings at the White House.

Mr. Trump’s national press secretary Karoline Leavitt said the Justice Department has spent more time prosecutin­g the former President and “targeting Americans for peacefully protesting on January 6th” than other criminals.

“President Trump will restore justice for all Americas who have been unfairly treated,” she said.

Even as Republican­s worry privately that Mr. Trump risks turning off women and independen­t voters he would need in the general election rematch against Mr. Biden, top aides have said there is only so much they can do as Mr. Trump is going to be Mr. Trump.

Over the weekend, Mr. Trump focused his attention on Liz Cheney, the former Republican congresswo­man, who was vice chair of the Select Committee and personally secured Hutchinson’s blockbuste­r 2022 testimony. “She should go to Jail along with the rest of the Unselect Committee!” Mr. Trump posted on social media.

Cheney posted in response — “Hi Donald: you know these are lies” — as she makes dispelling falsehoods about January 6 her singular focus in 2024.

 ?? AFP ?? Election scenario: Former U.S. President and Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump speaks during a Buckeye Values PAC Rally in Vandalia, Ohio, on Saturday.
AFP Election scenario: Former U.S. President and Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump speaks during a Buckeye Values PAC Rally in Vandalia, Ohio, on Saturday.

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