The Hindu - International

Creating topical marketing campaigns that leverage some special moments

Moment marketing works so well because it leverages a subject which is already on top of the consumer’s mind; when a brand brings a novel perspectiv­e to the very same subject — sometimes witty or humorous, at other times a gracious tribute —people love it

- Harish Bhat

y favourite marketing moment of the recently concluded Tata Women’s Premier League (WPL) came when Ellyse Perry, playing for team RCB, hit a huge shot that broke the window glass of the Tata Punch.ev car displayed near the boundary of the stadium. By doing this, she shattered yet another glass ceiling, in the midst of a tournament which is proving to be an inflection point for women’s sports in India.

The Tata Punch.ev team promptly capitalise­d on this totally unplanned moment. They immortalis­ed the event by taking the same broken window glass, adding a bolt to it to represent the electric spirit of the game, and gifting the framed broken glass to Ms. Perry. Below the frame, they added, “#Perry Powerful Punch”.

This was a smart marketing move that took the Internet by storm. In fact, it got this EV the kind of positive attention that no paid advertisin­g campaign could have delivered.

MBananas and Butter

This reminded me of an interestin­g tactical marketing campaign fooddelive­ry platform Zomato had implemente­d four years ago. Actor Rahul Bose, who was staying at a fivestar hotel, had ordered a couple of bananas to eat. The hotel provided him two bananas, and charged ₹442 for the humble fruits. He promptly wrote about his experience on Twitter.

Zomato’s marketing team seized this moment to quickly run their campaign. One of the tongueinch­eek posts said – “You could get a banana milkshake and banana split (on Zomato) in less than the amount the 52year old actor paid for his bananas”.

The big daddy of moment marketing in India is Amul. Amul’s topical hoardings are legendary, and have played a key role in creating the cool, fun image of this milk and butter brand. They cover subjects from sports to politics to moon landings, and they often appear within a few hours of the event having occurred. Amul has been brilliantl­y capitalisi­ng on moments of national interest for over 50 years now, ever since the first hoarding showcasing the Amul girl appeared in 1967.

The examples bring into focus the power of moment marketing. Moment marketing works so well because it leverages a subject which is already on top of the consumer’s mind. When a brand brings a novel perspectiv­e to this very same subject — sometimes witty or humorous, at other times a gracious tribute — people love it.

Greater connect

When a brand leverages a trending event in refreshing new ways, there is a significan­tly higher probabilit­y that its communicat­ion will break through the clutter and connect with viewers. In addition, if this communicat­ion integrates key elements of the core value propositio­n of the brand, then there is a positive ruboff on the brand’s appeal.

Cost effective

In today’s era of social media, moment marketing is perhaps also one of the most costeffect­ive methods of mass marketing. This is because a social media campaign that capitalise­s on a trending topic in a very interestin­g manner can spread like wildfire at no cost. In fact, if it catches the imaginatio­n, there is the possibilit­y of users generating their own related content which can amplify the core campaign.

Getting prepared

Moment marketing is often a spontaneou­s response to an unanticipa­ted occurrence. At other times, it could leverage a festival or an event that is preplanned.

Either way, if marketing teams wish to make moment marketing a way of life, then some preparatio­n would be important.

Ears to ground

First, the team has to keep its ears close to the ground, to quickly identify moments which can be seized by the brand. It would be useful for the team to proactivel­y list out the kind of opportunit­ies which are a best fit for their particular brand, so that their listening can then focus on specific channels.

Second, teams may wish to brainstorm possible wildcard scenarios, and what their brand’s response would be, in each such situation.

While these scenarios may never actually come about, the brainstorm­ing exercise is likely to sensitise team members to the possibilit­ies and the range of responses.

Third, moment marketing requires brands to empower frontline social media teams and communicat­ion agencies, particular­ly because such campaigns have to be executed very quickly before the moment goes stale.

Such an empowered approach also requires a proper set of guardrails to be defined, to ensure that sensitive topics are handled appropriat­ely.

Finally, successful moment marketing requires a constant stream of new, interestin­g and appealing topical ideas.

A marketing team (including partner agencies) with a high creative quotient and a penchant for offbeat ideas is the most important ingredient in making this happen.

(Harish Bhat is an avid marketer and bestsellin­g author. He was formerly Brand Custodian at Tata Sons. These are his personal views.)

If the campaign catches the imaginatio­n, there is the possibilit­y of users generating their own related content which can amplify the core campaign

 ?? SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T ?? Adding punch: Ellyse Perry during the eliminator match of the Women’s Premier League 2024 between Mumbai Indians and Royal Challenger­s Bangalore.
SPECIAL ARRANGEMEN­T Adding punch: Ellyse Perry during the eliminator match of the Women’s Premier League 2024 between Mumbai Indians and Royal Challenger­s Bangalore.
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