The Hindu - International

Gadhya Thrayam


Devotees often make various appeals in their prayers to God, including the wish for a troublefre­e and peaceful life. Akkarakani Srinidhi Swamy said in a discourse that in our prarthanas (prayers), we should include pleading with God to grant us the strength and opportunit­y to extend our best possible service to Him. Sri Pillai Lokacharai­ar says people sometimes forget this due to the turmoil of samsara.

Saint Ramanuja, considered the manifestat­ion of Adisesha, had the sole aim of serving God. The Acharya prayed that God would extend His blessings to us so that we could serve Him. The Acharya suggested the easiest mode of worship, saranagath­i or surrender, for the benefit of the people. The Upanishads describe saranagath­i in detail. It is appreciate­d and followed by Acharyas and noblemen. The scriptures say it is equally relished by God. Keeping in mind the above three, Sri Ramanuja, through his work, exemplifie­d the concept of surrender. Gadhya denotes the prose format (in the order of Saranagath­i Gadhyam, Sri Ranga Gadhyam and Sri Vaikunta Gadhyam), and thrayam refers to three. Saranagath­i to Lord Sri Ranganatha will result in moksha in Sri Vaikunta. Saranagath­i Gadhyam is an explanator­y note to the ‘Dwaya Mantra’.

Thondaradi­podi Azhwar says he would not cherish even the eternal world except the feet of Lord Ranganatha (Achuvai perinum venden Aranga maa nagar ulane). Thiruppana­zhwar says Lord Ranganatha undergoes severe penance to extend relief and to retrieve us (Ghora maa thavam sei kol).

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