The Hindu - International

Kausalya’s delight


The role of a mother is supreme, her status sacrosanct and Kausalya, Lord Rama’s mother, is hailed as the best among them. Under her gentle rearing, Lord Rama performed His duties creditably, leaving His mark everywhere. In his Kural, Tiruvalluv­ar has said, “A mother feels more ecstatic to hear her son being praised than when the son was born.” Kausalya experience­d this fully as Rama led just such a life: He was the ideal son, one who brought immense joy to His mother, said Swami Mitrananda­ji.

Rama was not merely an obedient son: He was a constant source of joy to His mother, performing His duties well, taking obstacles in His stride while remaining unaffected by any change in His fortunes. As the prayer goes, He is Kausalya Sukha Vardhana Ram. In fact, He was beloved by all, including the other queens, even Kaikeyi, who later allowed herself to be enticed into coveting the kingdom for her son Bharata and banishing Rama to the forest, after Dasaratha had publicly announced Rama’s anointment.

It is human nature to turn resentful when one is denied one’s rightful due. However, Rama showed exemplary strength of character when He submitted to the change in His fortune without anger, rancour or hatred towards anyone. He chose to see the positive side even in adversity.

While she was expecting Him to inform her of His impending coronation, Rama, with pure joy in His heart, informed her that He had been gifted the greater kingdom of the forests.

When a son leads by example on walking the talk on dharma, what more does a mother need?

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