The Hindu (Kolkata)

Rebel troops’ bid to overthrow Amin fails


Kampala, March 24: Rebel troops today appeared to have lost a machinegun and mortar battle to overthrow General Idi Amin’s military regime. Government informatio­n organs remained silent after the fighting ended about dawn, giving rise to speculatio­n that Gen. Amin had fled. But a newsman saw Gen. Amin driving an open, unescorted jeep along Kampala’s main street about noon. Several friends were in the jeep with him.

Uganda Radio later broadcast a message said to be from Gen. Amin, asserting that conditions were back to normal. The message blamed the infighting on a false report that an invading force was trying to kill the General and take over the country.

Tanks and armoured cars patrolled Kampala this morning. Most soldiers withdrew to their barracks by midafterno­on, leaving armed guards of Uganda Radio and the Informatio­n Ministry. Groceries were closed and a few civilians were on the streets.

Uganda Radio giving the Government’s explanatio­n said military police, members of the Mulire battalion and paratroop students had created “strong points” in Kampala following the false report of an impending invasion.

The broadcast said Gen. Amin spoke to the rebels this morning and told them that the officer who had spread the rumour later shot himself and “the others have run away.”

Gen. Amin offered condolence­s to relatives of soldiers and others killed in the fighting, Uganda Radio said. The radio added that Gen. Amin told the Mulire battalion that if they were dissatisfi­ed with his command, they should kill him or dismiss him, rather than “keep the good people of Kampala up all night running around.”

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