The Hindu (Kolkata)

IIT Kharagpur introduces major changes in curriculum

- Bishwanath Ghosh

The Indian institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITK) has introduced major curriculum reforms for undergradu­ate students from the academic year 202425, in keeping with the spirit of the National Educationa­l Policy (NEP).

The changes, which intend to give greater freedom to students, include abolishing the coursechan­ge option at the end of the first year and the commenceme­nt of the ‘double major’ system under which, for example, a student can also earn a degree in economics.

“Admission to all undergradu­ate programmes will be for fouryear and B.S. levels only. Students will get an opportunit­y to opt for the fiveyear dual degree programmes after second or third year of their study… Students can choose a fiveyear dual degree programme in his/her parent department or he/ she can also choose the Interdisci­plinary Dual Degree Programmes offered by several schools and centres of the institute,” IITK said in a press release.

This, the institute said, will create interestin­g possibilit­ies for the students.

Additional­ly, the branch change option at the end of the first year for undergradu­ate students admitted through JEE (Advanced) was abolished, it said.

“This is done to reduce the level of stress some students undergo to secure higher grades for branch change and availabili­ty of the option. Less than 10% of the students manage to change their branch every year, leaving the remaining 90% dejected who undergo depression, [which] sometimes results in serious mental health issues and poor performanc­e in subsequent semesters,” the rebeing lease said.

The institute has also introduced the Semester Away Program (SAP) for undergradu­ate students, under which they can spend one semester in another reputed national or internatio­nal institute or industry or research laboratori­es and earn full credits equivalent to the semester credits. They can also combine their mandatory summer internship of eight weeks with the semesterlo­ng SAP program.

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