The Hindu (Kolkata)

Systems science for a better future

- Arun Maira

he Pew Research Center surveyed the citizens of many countries in 2023 to gauge how many prefer authoritar­ian rulers to multiparty democracy. The numbers choosing dictators will dismay democrats. In the Global South: India (85%), Indonesia (77%), South Africa (66%) and Brazil (57%). In the West: the United Kingdom (37%) and the United States (32%), which are significan­t numbers too. China and Russia were not surveyed.

Citizens of democratic countries have lost trust in their government­s’ economic policies. Average incomes may be rising but the very rich are becoming much richer, faster. Large corporatio­ns and financial institutio­ns are compelling government­s to set the rules of the game in their favour by reducing taxes for them, emasculati­ng labour institutio­ns, and exploiting the natural environmen­t for their profit.

Moreover, the growth of the global economy and human population has brought humanity to the brink. Scientists predict that the overuse of fossil energy for fuelling modern consumptiv­e lifestyles will make life on earth impossible beyond this century. Water, fundamenta­l for life, is also running out. India is among the most water stressed large countries in the world.

India has 17.5% of the world’s population living on only 2.4% of the world’s land. In 2014, India ranked 155 out of 178 countries in the global Environmen­t Performanc­e Index, meanwhile, in 2022, India slipped to the very bottom — 180 out of 180. India, also the world’s most populous country, has an additional problem, viz. to increase the incomes of its citizens faster. While economists chase GDP targets, inequality is increasing and we are spoiling the earth which supports the economy and sustains our lives.

TThe science of systems

Keeping the forest in sight, do not get lost in the trees, is good advice. Many things must be known, and their interconne­ctions mapped, to understand how the world works. All sciences — social, medical, and natural — are fragmented into narrow silos. Locked within their echochambe­rs, scientists in different discipline­s do not learn from each other. As the sciences advance, experts know more but about less. No is the author of ‘Shaping the Future: A Guide for Systems Leaders’ one sees the whole. Politics and economics are integral parts of complex social systems. It is moot whether the weakening of democratic institutio­ns empowers large capitalist institutio­ns or whether capitalist institutio­ns corrode democracy. What has broken down is the comprehens­ion of complex systems with diverse forces, and human egos, within them.

Economics emerged as a distinct science out of philosophy and the humanities in the early 20th century. Modern economists do not understand how societies function. By the century’s end, free market fundamenta­lism had become an ideology. Leave it to the “invisible hand” of the market because it knows best, these economists say. Behind the invisible hand is the power of capital. The rights of capital, and its freedom to roam the world across national boundaries and make more profits, trump the rights of human beings moving across borders searching for safer lives.

Systems’ knowledge has been devalued by specialisa­tion. Heart specialist­s can keep the heart alive with amazing technologi­es. Brain specialist­s delve deeper into the biology of the brain. They lose sight of the whole human being. Climate scientists research how to remove carbon from the atmosphere, but the effects of their solutions on the livelihood­s of citizens are not in their science’s scope. Hightech solutions can improve parts of complex systems while reducing overall health and wellbeing.

Any intelligen­ce within a system cannot comprehend the system that produced it.

Modern science gave human beings hubris that they could conquer “unruly nature” as Francis Bacon declared at the emergence of the

European Enlightenm­ent. The arrogant scientific man thought he could change the system that had created him. His scientific fixes of the world, and scientific improvemen­ts of his own genes, are threatenin­g humanity’s existence.

In times of uncertaint­y, people yearn for certainty. They follow godmen, dictators, and wealthy technologi­sts because these people claim to know the truth and have the power to apply it. When economists and scientists with their incomplete understand­ing of the world become the guides of leaders and steer social and economic policies, the losers are both common people and the natural environmen­t that sustains everyone’s lives. Recalling the idea of the ancient Greek poet Archilochu­s — “A fox knows many things, but a hedgehog knows one big thing” — philosophe­r Isaiah Berlin divided thinkers into “foxes’’ and ‘‘hedgehogs”. Great writers, like Leo Tolstoy, who combined many perspectiv­es in their histories were both hedgehogs and foxes, Berlin said. They understood the fundamenta­l nature of existence and the limits of any rational scientific approach to it.

Rather than specialise­d sciences focused on parts, a higherleve­l science is required: a science of holistic, selfadapti­ve systems which include human egos in them. Complex selfadapti­ve systems have three components: systems being, systems thinking, and systems acting. Systems being requires humility. Systems thinking requires the mind of the “hedgehogfo­x” to see patterns among the details.

Enterprise­s for cooperatio­n

Systems acting to improve the world for everyone must be driven by organisati­ons whose purpose is cooperatio­n, not by organisati­ons driven by competitio­n. The purpose of business corporatio­ns and armies is to make more profit and gain more power, whereas the purpose of families is to improve the wellbeing of their members. Family members have natural difference­s in sex and generation­al abilities. Yet, they cooperate with each other for the wellbeing of all.

Women’s contributi­ons to the wellbeing of families and societies are undervalue­d in money terms and not counted in GDP. Economists say that few Indian women are in the labour force, whereas, for centuries, women have been working harder than men, producing social and economic value for their families and communitie­s.

The world needs more caring, less competitio­n. Women are natural family builders and systems facilitato­rs whereas men are brought up to compete. Rather than men teaching women to think like men and compete with them in hierarchie­s of the formal labour force, men must learn the caring ways of women to make the world better for everyone.

Rather than specialise­d sciences focused on parts, a higher-level science is required — one of holistic, self-adaptive systems

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