The Hindu (Kozhikode)

LDF govt. did not cooperate with key projects: Sudhakaran

- Mithosh Joseph

Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) president and United Democratic Front (UDF) candidate in the Kannur Lok Sabha constituen­cy K. Sudhakaran holds the State government responsibl­e for torpedoing some of the important developmen­t projects he had planned for his constituen­cy after being elected the MP in 2019.

In an interview with The Hindu, he claimed that the government was reluctant to extend him any productive cooperatio­n. “There were many projects which could have been completed on time with better cooperatio­n,” he said.

“Those who put up hurdles to these projects are now campaignin­g for the Left Democratic Front (LDF) candidate, blaming me for their failure. It is unfair and the voters know the truth,” he said.

Mr. Sudhakaran said he decided to contest the Lok Sabha elections again following the instructio­ns of the Congress leadership. “It was my additional responsibi­lity as the KPCC president that initially prompted me to withdraw from the fray.”

‘Top priorities’

Referring to criticism of his low attendance in Parliament, Mr. Sudhakaran said it had hardly affected developmen­t projects in his constituen­cy. “I am far ahead of many other parliament­arians in the completion of promised projects and the use of MP funds. No one can deny the role I played to get more roads sanctioned here,” he said. Mr. Sudhakaran, confident of victory this time too, said the developmen­t of the Kannur airport and the extension of railway facilities would be top priorities for him, if elected.

Stance on CAA

On allegation­s that the Congress has been keeping mum on the Citizenshi­p (Amendment) Act (CAA) in election campaigns, he said the charge was baseless. “We have clearly mentioned it in all our campaign materials,” he said.

Denying the involvemen­t of Congress workers in defamatory social media campaigns against LDF candidates, he said no Congress worker would resort to such acts as it was against the values of the party.

He termed ‘shameless’ the Left parties’ criticism of Rahul Gandhi’s decision to contest from Wayanad. “Mr. Gandhi has the freedom to select any constituen­cy in India. Why should the CPI(M) or other parties worry about such an admired leader in our party?”

While seeking a thorough probe into the alleged role of top CPI(M) leaders in the Panoor crude bomb explosion, Mr. Sudhakaran said the UDF candidates were now forced to ensure their own safety while campaignin­g.

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