The Hindu (Kozhikode)

Focus on ‘Brahman’


Secret cabinet (6)

Fine returning to fetch an old gran's knitted jumper (8) Expert setter's books become famous (9)

Basically bachelors aren't immune to temptation (4) Browse online - it's mostly safe and fine (4)

Understand one's lost in vehicles behind schedule (9) Secure initially high sum on return - it can grow fast (8) Value Eskimo men trimming traps (6)

Crowds welcoming hot and ultimately chic royals (10) Time's endless for nobody (4)

Say, is IT team not even providing network (6)

Kind oŠer (6)

Right attack left and argue as usual (7)

Expenses rising in most societies (5)

Afghan president has bad time with global body (7)

For starters, all male orangutans use nimble toes supply


Essentiall­y customer loan via mobile that's useless (2,2,5) That woman had to keep a nanny (3-4)

Breach of trust by reps, IMO (6,7)

Traders gathered orders finally around busy ranch (9) Queen wearing Indian drapes spurns English suits (7) Like teacher initially checking label for greeting (7) Spooner's fully cooked dal, say in clay oven (7)

Sailor in comics to look after dad (6)

Dug up jeans from below (5)

Solution to previous puzzle

Solution to yesterday’s Sudoku

At times, there may be a discussion about whether people are born as a result of their past deeds or, after being born, they undertake various deeds. It is like “Bhijankura Nyaya”. Bhija refers to seeds and ankura means sprouts. It cannot be said whether sprouts came from seeds rst or vice-versa.

Valayapett­ai Sri Ramacharia­r said in a discourse that a person whose mind is steadfastl­y set on the realisatio­n of self and undeluded by the body consciousn­ess would neither rejoice the pleasure nor grieve the grief. He whose mind is engaged in the contemplat­ion of “Brahman” will enjoy undecaying bliss.

For those pleasures that are born of contact are wombs of pain. Five blemishes (doshas) may emerge in the process of enjoyment through worldly contacts: Aarjana dosha — people undergo untold suˆering to earn money. Rakshana dosha — encounter with various di‰culties to protect and save the hard-earned money. Kshaya dosha — the wealth earned is not permanent and is perishable or destructib­le. People may constantly fear their wealth will go oˆ them. Bhoga dosha, the more we experience material comforts, the more the urge and desire grow in us. Himsa dosha — it refers to causing trouble to others while we try to obtain the means to enjoy our comforts.

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