The Hindu (Kozhikode)

Gita: code for man’s life


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The term “Go” refers to cows and also the earth. Mother Earth, taking the form of a cow, prayed to Lord Narayana that she could not withstand the world’s burden. Sri Ananthapad­manabhacha­riar Swamy said in a discourse that under the pretext of relieving the earth of its burdens and making Himself available for ordinary people to take refuge in Him, He incarnated on the planet as Sri Krishna.

Arjuna, the great warrior with a stubborn mind, got confused on the battle‡eld and asked Sri Krishna to clarify. God blessed him with 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita to remove his doubts and clear his mind.

The teachings in the Gita possess eternal value and are universal in their applicabil­ity. Its message continues to be fresh. The Gita is God’s recipe to remove grief, guidelines for man’s good conduct, and Vedas, in essence, an eternal beacon for mankind. It stresses truth and righteousn­ess, prescribes the charter of duties, and emphasises that a man must not shirk his duties. It is a practical code for man’s life and is counsellin­g to create mental strength.

Lord Krishna emphasises devotion to Him, avoiding unwholesom­e emotions, and being obsessed with anticipati­ng one’s actions. In His directives, He refers to three fundamenta­l evils that man should abhor: attachment, ego, and desires.

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