The Hindu (Mangalore)

District administra­tion to explore alternativ­e water storage places

Two committees, headed by Mangaluru and Puttur Assistant Commission­ers, formed to work on alternativ­e water storage units and other ways of mitigating impending water crisis


Dakshina Kannada Deputy Commission­er M.P. Mullai Muhilan has sought a report from the two subdivisio­nal Assistant Commission­ers about alternativ­e water storage units, where more water can be stored to meet the demand in Mangaluru city and other parts of Dakshina Kannada during the summer.

Talking to reporters here on Thursday, Mr. Muhilan said two committees, headed by the Mangaluru and the Puttur Assistant Commission­ers, have been formed to work on alternativ­e water storage units and other ways of mitigating the impending water crisis in the district.

“The committee will have discussion with all the stakeholde­rs and explore all options. A report will be submitted to me by this monthend,” he said.

The Deputy Commission­er said the recent postmonsoo­n showers has improved the water situation in the district. The water requiremen­t of the district was mainly served by the Netravathi and the Phalguni.

“We are looking at water storage places in the upstream of these rivers and exploring on storage of additional water,” he said.

Officials are considerin­g storing additional water at Adyar vented damcumbrid­ge, which can be pumped when the water level goes down at Thumbe vented dam the main source of water for Mangaluru and surroundin­g areas.

Mr. Muhilan said officials are also taking into considerat­ion the drop in the demand of fresh water by Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemi­cals Limited since it started operation of desalinati­on plant.

Sand extraction

Mr. Muhilan said sand extraction from rivers in coastal regulation zone areas is yet start as the Karnataka Coastal Zone Management Authority is yet to give clearance for extraction identified sand blocks.

Abundant sand was available in nonCRZ areas where tenders were issued in October for extraction of sand from 25 sand blocks.

Fine was imposed on tender holders for noninstall­ation of weigh bridges. They were given time till last week of November of installati­on of weigh bridges, he said.

Mr. Muhilan said abundant quantity of illegally extracted sand, which was seized by district authoritie­s, was available for government developmen­t projects.

 ?? FILE PHOTO ?? The Thumbe vented dam is the main source of water for Mangaluru and surroundin­g areas.
FILE PHOTO The Thumbe vented dam is the main source of water for Mangaluru and surroundin­g areas.

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