The Hindu (Mumbai)

With Bond’s passing, the world of theatre has lost someone whose radical ideas and dramatic theories sparked outrage as well as inspired dramatists in India

- Amal Allana Bob Jones The writer is a theatre director and author of

dward Bond first attracted attention with The Pope’s Wedding and Saved in the 1960s. A playwright, theatre director, poet and dramatic theorist, Bond, obsessed with the question of responsibi­lity, confronted his audiences with violence and cruelty around themes such as imperialis­m, economic exploitati­on, war and apartheid. This was reflected in plays such as Saved and Narrow Road to the Deep North. With Bond’s passing on March 3, at the age of 89, theatre has lost a highly controvers­ial writer, whose radicalism about modern theatre and society, as well as his dramatic theories, won him an esteemed place among 20th and 21st century dramatists and theorists.

After Look Back in Anger written by John Osborne in 1956, it was Bond’s Saved, written in 1965, that took England by storm, making it a searing critique of a government unable to live up to the promises it had made after World War II, of offering a beleaguere­d nation a stable economy and future. Saved was set in the poverty stricken districts of postwar South London, where the youth lived off dole and lacked direction and purpose in their lives. The play centred around Len, a young workingcla­ss man struggling to find hope as the girl he loves, Pam, gives birth to another man’s unwanted child. Pam’s baby is born into a loveless and hopeless world, coming to a brutal end when it is stoned to death by local ruffians in a public park — as a dazed Len looks on, unable to stop them.

ECourting controvers­y

Produced in 1965 by the Royal Court Theatre, the play shocked and outraged audiences by the mindless manner in which youngsters had partaken of such a brutal and violent act. This scene became reason enough for Britain’s censorship board to ban the production. In his own defence, Bond stated, “I write for human salvation... drama is about justice, about social justice”.

Theatre stalwarts like Laurence Olivier intervened, condemning the censorship. In a letter to the press, Olivier stated, “Saved is not a play for children but for grownups, and the grownups of this country should orth was stuck for a bid after South bid two spades. South’s cue bid might be made with several different hands, the most common being a hand with a very big suit. North was trading on that when he bid three diamonds.

South continued by bidding four clubs.

Nhave the courage to look at it.” Though the Royal Court Theatre lost the case, in the longrun, Saved created waves that led to the abolition of stage censorship in Britain altogether in 1968.

One often asks whether art has any real power or agency to bring about a change in society. In the instance of Saved, we find that Bond’s efficacy lay in his unrelentin­g resistance to any cuts in either the production or the printed version. He remained committed to his beliefs, winning the

North’s support for clubs was no better than his diamond support, so North went back to diamonds. South continued by cuebidding four spades – a clear slam try.

North had shown very little about his hand, other than he held a heart suit, and he had quite a useful hand for slam. North reasoned that if South day with theatre companies across the world choosing to stage Saved, including a brilliant production by the young German director Peter Stein, at the Schaubühne in Berlin. Its theme undoubtedl­y spoke to the hopelessne­ss and helplessne­ss that prevailed across Europe during the 60s and 70s.

Indian ripples

Closer home, as a young director, I chanced upon a script of Saved and felt compelled to stage it. It was country’s developmen­t, its observatio­n deck and hotels are made from pinktinted glass, while the outside has LEDs that change colour. The tower was built during the tenure of a president who resigned in 2022 after protestors stormed his palace, and was eventually charged with corruption. In what country is this tower?

August 1975. There was a sense of unease across the country as Emergency had been declared a few months earlier in June. A lurking sense of fear of being exposed to unknown forces made one anxious. This was one of my reasons for staging this play at the time. The young actors of Ruchika Theatre Group who had asked me to direct a play for them, seemed to have the requisite spirit, and an immediate understand­ing of the uncontroll­ed hysteria that overtakes the play. Alok was looking for slam, he was in! He jumped to six diamonds, giving us a most unusual auction.

Nath, Mona Chawla, Arun Kukreja and Kusum Haidar brought the play alive, while the acutely angled levels that rose up from the stage floor, the battered sofa, the strange ‘nets’ that were suspended from the flies, were elements of Nissar Allana’s surreal set that provided the spectator with images of a tentative and unstable world, one that reflected the precarious­ness of the times.

Another Bond script that was staged in Delhi was Narrow Road to

directed by Ebrahim Alkazi at the National School of

Drama (NSD) in 1973. A satirical play on the British Empire, it was a political parable set in Japan in the Edo period, dealing with the poet Basho and the changing political landscape over 35 years. Told with Brechtian simplicity, here we saw the conflict between two worlds: an extravagan­t world where Britannia ruled and the cool samurai deliberati­on of a traditiona­l Japan. Raising moral issues, Alkazi’s production highlighte­d satirical references to historic events at a time when we in India had begun to reinvestig­ate our experience of colonialis­m.

Another Bond play, The Fool, was directed by Barry John for the NSD Repertory. It is interestin­g to note that since the early 70s, Bond was one of the few playwright­s who wrote long prefaces to his plays that contained his meditation­s on capitalism, violence, technology, and the postmodern imaginatio­n. These essays can be viewed as Bond’s comprehens­ive theory on the use and means of drama.

Ebrahim Alkazi: Holding Time Captive.

South had only bid his suit once, and North, with only twocard support, had raised the suit twice and then jumped to slam in the suit! It was terrific bidding.

There was nothing to the play on a heart lead. South won in dummy, ruffed a spade to his hand, and led a low club. He was soon scoring up his slam. A trump lead would have worried declarer, but he would still have made his slam.

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