The Hindu (Thiruvananthapuram)

Women in STEM


while English will continue to be a global lingua franca; in India, the focus will rightly be on local languages as a medium of instructio­n, especially at primary level, and English will be taught as a subject. The introducti­on of English, taught as a subject alongside the child’s mother tongue, can enable children to learn and grasp the language better.

This is also reflected in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which acknowledg­es the importance of local languages and their role in providing a more holistic and effective learning experience, especially in the early years. The NEP has placed multilingu­alism at the heart of its vision for inclusive education by advocating for a multilingu­al curriculum that incorporat­es mother tongue instructio­n, English, and other foreign languages.

This is a direct response to the growing recognitio­n of the importance of language in education. Language is not merely a means of communicat­ion; it is a tool for thought and a

DProgress has opened applicatio­ns for the 2024 Progress Software Akanksha Scholarshi­p for Women in STEM in India. lens through which we perceive and understand the world around us. By promoting multilingu­alism, the NEP seeks to empower students to develop a deeper understand­ing of diverse cultures, foster a stronger appreciati­on of their linguistic heritage, and acquire the skills necessary to thrive in an increasing­ly globalised world.

While its benefits are profound, the implementa­tion of a multilingu­al approach in Indian classrooms is not without its challenges. The sheer diversity of languages spoken across the country, coupled with the varying levels of proficienc­y among students, poses a significan­t hurdle. Furthermor­e, balancing the use of languages in classrooms and ensuring standardis­ation of teaching across linguistic variations present challenges that demand innovative solutions. To effectivel­y implement a multilingu­al approach in Indian classrooms, several strategies can be adopted:

There is little


Women residing in India and in the first year of a UG programme in Computer Science Engineerin­g (CSE), Computer Science Informatio­n Technology (CSIT) or related course.

April 12. evidence in terms of longitudin­al research available that can inform robust strategies to implement multilingu­al practices in a highly multilingu­al country like India. There is a significan­t opportunit­y for sector experts, educators, linguists to collaborat­e with government and policymake­rs to enable such research. This can also contribute to the developmen­t of effective policies that support multilingu­al education initiative­s.

Teaching Teacher Assessment: Community material:

The creation of quality resources such as textbooks, supplement­ary material and digital resources tailored to the specific linguistic needs is crucial to support effective instructio­n.


Training programmes — whether pre or inservice — should emphasise multilingu­al pedagogy and equip teachers with the necessary skills such as developing proficienc­y in multiple languages including English, understand­ing the principles of multilingu­al instructio­n, and employing effective teaching strategies.

Developing standardis­ed assessment tools that evaluate students’ proficienc­y across multiple languages to ensure fairness and equity is important.


Involving parents and the wider community in supporting multilingu­al education initiative­s can foster a supportive learning environmen­t and promote linguistic diversity.

Embracing multilingu­alism is not merely an educationa­l endeavour; it is a commitment to inclusivit­y and diversity. By empowering students with the linguistic tools to navigate a multilingu­al world, India’s education system can foster a generation of individual­s who are not only academical­ly proficient but also culturally enriched and globally competent.

 ?? The writer is Faculty at Azim Premji University FREEPIK ??
The writer is Faculty at Azim Premji University FREEPIK

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