The Hindu (Thiruvananthapuram)

Inaccessib­ility and cost cripple efforts to treat sickle cell disease

People from marginalis­ed tribal communitie­s, face a battle even to access basic healthcare and diagnostic­s. They also face an underresou­rced health system, inadequate informatio­n, and high expenditur­e. Treatments like CRISP cost $23 million and bone mar

- Sarojini Nadimpally Gargi Mishra Keertana K. Tella

hen fiveyearol­d Suraj was debilitate­d with a persistent fever, his family took him to the district hospital in Nuapada in western Odisha. The hospital directed them to the Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research at Burla in Sambalpur, around 250km from their village. At the Institute, Suraj underwent a diagnostic test called haemoglobi­n electropho­resis to detect whether he had sickle cell disease (SCD). When the tests confirmed SCD, the Institute registered him as a patient and referred him to Nuapada district hospital for blood transfusio­ns.

Suraj’s story came up during our work with the National Human Rights Commission in 2019. It provides a glimpse of the difficulti­es that people like Suraj, from marginalis­ed tribal communitie­s, face even to access basic healthcare and diagnostic­s.

It is, however, the beginning of an arduous battle with an underresou­rced health system, inadequate informatio­n, and high expenditur­e.

In light of these realities, and the global discussion on advances in human genome editing, the question that becomes especially pertinent is whether these conversati­ons allow for and are cognisant of such experience­s.

SCD is an inherited haemoglobi­n disorder in which red blood cells (RBCs) become crescent or sickleshap­ed due to a genetic mutation. These RBCs are rigid and impair circulatio­n, often leading to anaemia, organ damage, severe and episodic pain, and premature death. India has the third highest number of SCD births, after Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Regional studies suggest approximat­ely 15,00025,000 babies with SCD are born in India every year, mostly in tribal communitie­s.

According to the 2023 ‘Guidelines for National Programme for Prevention and Management of Sickle Cell Disease’, of the 1.13 crore persons screened in different states, about 8.75% (9.96 lakh) tested positive. It is also one of the 21 “specified” disabiliti­es listed in the Schedule of the Rights of Persons with Disabiliti­es Act 2016.

WAccess to treatment a major issue

In 2023, the Government of India launched the National Sickle Cell Anaemia Eliminatio­n Mission, to eliminate SCD by 2047. At present, however, treatment and care for SCD remains grossly inadequate and inaccessib­le. States with a high prevalence of SCD, particular­ly among their most marginalis­ed population­s, are falling behind in their efforts to reach out and provide basic care to those affected.

An apposite example is the (un)availabili­ty of the drug hydroxyure­a. It lessens the severity of pain, reduces hospitalis­ations, and improves survival rates by increasing the size and flexibilit­y of RBCs and lowering their likelihood of becoming sickleshap­ed. Yet States are largely unable to provide hydroxyure­a for SCD patients, pointing to their inability to purchase, stock, and distribute this drug. Even though the National Health Mission’s Essential Medicines List requires the drug to be availed at the primary healthcare level, hydroxyure­a is currently only available in certain tertiaryle­vel facilities, such as medical colleges.

Blood transfusio­n is another important therapy for SCD, but its availabili­ty is limited to districtle­vel facilities. Most blocklevel community health centres don’t offer them. Even during an emergency, families of SCD patients have to arrange for blood replacemen­t units and pay for expensive private transport. Pain medication­s, from painkiller­s to nonsteroid­al antiinflam­matories and opioids, are also scarce.

Bone marrow transplant­ation (BMT), until recently the other cure for SCD, is out of reach for most SCD patients due to the difficulty in finding matched donors, the high cost of the treatment at private facilities, and long waiting times in public hospitals. There have been efforts in some states to improve public health facilities but it remains to be seen how successful they are at making care universall­y available.

Access to and equity of CRISPR

In light of this, the applicatio­n of the geneeditin­g technology called CRISPR (short for ‘Clustered Regularly Interspace­d Short Palindromi­c Repeats’) to treat SCD is important — for its novelty and promise but also for the health disparitie­s it makes apparent.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion recently approved two gene therapies, Casgevy and Lyfgenia, to treat SCD in people ages 12 and older. Casgevy, developed by Vertex Pharmaceut­icals and CRISPR Therapeuti­cs and also approved in the U.K., is the first CRISPRbase­d therapy to have received regulatory approval in the U.S. Lyfgenia, manufactur­ed by Bluebird Bio, doesn’t use CRISPR but depends on a viral vector to change blood stemcells.

Both treatments entail collecting a patient’s blood stemcells, modifying them, and administer­ing highdose chemothera­py to destroy the damaged cells in the bone marrow. The modified cells are then infused into the patient through a hematopoie­tic stem cell transplant. The treatments are expected to take up to a year and require several hospital visits. Victoria Gray, a patient in her mid30s from the U.S., was the first recipient of Casgevy in clinical trials. Having been free of SCD symptoms and pain for a few years, she is now seen as a symbol of hope for new therapies.

CRISPR’s inventors have won a Nobel Prize and it is celebrated as a revolution­ary innovation, but its treatment cost of $2–3 million keeps it out of reach of most of those affected in countries where SCD is endemic. While researcher­s and policymake­rs are considerin­g potential alternativ­es to improve access in low and middleinco­me countries, such hightech therapies require advanced care in wellresour­ced hospitals, too, bringing with it challenges of availabili­ty, affordabil­ity, and quality — which disproport­ionately affect the poor and marginalis­ed. It raises pressing questions about equity, access, and justice in the use of gene therapies.

CRISPR in India

In India, CRISPR’s possible medical applicatio­ns also pose ethical and legal quandaries. The National Guidelines for Stem Cell Research 2017 prohibit the commercial­isation of stem cell therapies and allow the use of stem cells only for clinical trials, except for BMT for SCD. Geneeditin­g stem cells is allowed only for invitro studies. The Guidelines also encourage (but don’t mandate) the sharing of financial benefits resulting from the commercial­isation of stem cell products with the donor or community.

Further, the National Guidelines for Gene Therapy Product Developmen­t and

Clinical Trials 2019 provide guidelines for the developmen­t and clinical trials of gene therapies for inherited genetic disorders. India has approved a fiveyear project to develop CRISPR for sickle cell anaemia. Under its Sickle Cell Anaemia Mission, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research is developing geneeditin­g therapies for SCD. Around ₹34 crore has been allocated for this mission over 20202023. It is reportedly in the preclinica­l stage, with clinical trials awaited.

However, the Guidelines need a stronger health inequity and discrimina­tion perspectiv­e, addressing issues such as equitable opportunit­ies for underserve­d population­s to safely participat­e in clinical trials, and whether and how this therapy will be made available to those population­s in future.

Adopting and promoting advanced therapies like CRISPR in India require a comprehens­ive approach that accounts for inequities and disparitie­s in the country’s overall healthcare access framework. While such advances in curative treatments are encouragin­g, our concerns are primarily focused on the importance of equity and access throughout the lifecycle of research, developmen­t, and implementa­tion of gene therapies.

The developmen­t of therapeuti­c technologi­es occurs at a pace and level that renders it unavailabl­e to the same constituen­cies most affected by the disease. The wait for the products of geneeditin­g to trickle down to the margins is long and often in vain. We suggest investment in expensive therapeuti­c technologi­es need to be preceded by focused efforts to first make basic treatment available — such as an uninterrup­ted supply of hydroxyure­a — to those direly in need of treatment.

Deliberati­ons on regulatory frameworks also need to be expanded from closed scientific circles to the larger public. Policies on the developmen­t of such technologi­es need to receive inputs from civil society and patients’ advocacy groups to be able to develop frameworks for ethically responsibl­e research. The need of the hour is an approach that focuses on integratin­g these multiple issues of access to diagnostic­s, drugs, health informatio­n and community support. It is only then that children like Suraj will be able to live a healthy life in the long term.

(Sarojini Nadimpally, Gargi Mishra, and Keertana K. Tella work on public health, bio and reproducti­ve technologi­es, human rights and gender.)

Sickle cell disease is an inherited haemoglobi­n disorder in which red blood cells become crescent or sickleshap­ed. These RBCs are rigid and impair circulatio­n, often leading to anaemia, organ damage, severe and episodic pain, and premature death

 ?? JANICE HANEY CARR/AP ?? A colorised microscope image made available by the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia via the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a sickle cell, left, and normal red blood cells of a patient with sickle cell anaemia, 2009.
JANICE HANEY CARR/AP A colorised microscope image made available by the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia via the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a sickle cell, left, and normal red blood cells of a patient with sickle cell anaemia, 2009.
 ?? FILE PHOTO ?? The Sickle Cell Team from JSS College in Mysuru performing a skit on sickle cell awareness at Chamarajan­agar.
FILE PHOTO The Sickle Cell Team from JSS College in Mysuru performing a skit on sickle cell awareness at Chamarajan­agar.
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