The Hindu (Tiruchirapalli)

Govt. issues marketing code for pharmaceut­ical firms


The Department of Pharmaceut­icals issued the Uniform Code for Pharmaceut­ical Marketing Practices (UCPMP), 2024 on Tuesday, specifying the rules for the use of the words “safe’’ and “new’’ for drugs, and stated that medical representa­tives must not employ any inducement or subterfuge to gain an interview, and that they must not pay, under any guise, for access to a healthcare profession­al.

Engagement of the pharmaceut­ical industry with healthcare profession­als for Continuing Medical Education (CME) should only be allowed through a welldefine­d, transparen­t, and verifiable set of guidelines, and conduct of such events in foreign locations is prohibited by the uniform code.

Gifting prohibited

Companies or their representa­tives should not pay cash or monetary grants to any healthcare profession­al or their family members (both immediate and extended) under any pretext.

Gifting is prohibited by any pharmaceut­ical company or its agent, that is, distributo­rs, wholesaler­s, retailers, and so on.

Additional­ly, no pecuniary advantage or benefit in kind may be offered, supplied or promised to any person qualified to prescribe or supply drugs by any pharmaceut­ical company or its agent.

The UCPMP is to be circulated for strict compliance, it said.

On drugs, the UCPMP states that promotion of a drug must be consistent with the terms of its marketing approval, and a drug must not be promoted prior to the receipt of its marketing approval from the competent authority.

“Claims for the usefulness of a drug must be based on uptodate evaluation of all available evidence. The word ‘safe’ must not be used without qualificat­ion, and it must not be stated categorica­lly that a medicine has no side effects, toxic hazards, or risk of addiction. The word ‘new’ must not be used to describe any drug which has been generally available, or any therapeuti­c interventi­on which has been generally promoted in India for more than a year,” the latest rules state.

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